We all walk at our own pace, for me sexuality is something beautiful, sacred (not in the religious sense of the word) and healing; something to be honored while utilizing it (we honor sexuality by our motivation) not something to be hidden, separated from spirit or demeaned. QUANTUM LOVE The surest way to disconnect a woman from her own power is to convince her that this power is inherently impure and separate from God. Keep in mind that depending on how you were raised and where you live, attitudes about womens bodies, reproduction, and sexuality may have changed since you were a girl. From this place, my desire is to create a community in Celtic Sisterhood where we can be in ritual and co-create ritual together. In a collective culture where many of us have been discouraged and silenced in our deepest emotional states, its no wonder these feelings can bubble up and full on erupt at the surface during our moon time. In doing so you are wasting energy and depleting the brain of its natural resources. On one of my retreats years ago a woman asked me how she could see visions during our shamanic trance dance journeys to receive guidance from her intuitive self. And Im so grateful that we did. During this time the girl wears a traditional buckskin dress and her hair is braided in a special way. Both are required to know the fullness of the divine presence. Rather than pressuring ourselves to be productive which may trigger more anger and agitation and pain during this time, we can allow ourselves to be playful. Worthy. Every magick ritual has an objective, to change the current flow of energy within our 3D reality or at the very least to influence it, so it may take a fluid change of course or to continue its course with more power added to it. This simple ritual can be performed by both men and women, and is designed to honor the feminine aspects of the universe as well as our female ancestors. The enchantment is nothing more than the clear, direct and simple expression of the intention; using words that have great vibratory power,this explains why normally enchantments were cast in native languages such as Celtic Gaulish, Latin, among others. Having grown up in unique circumstances; learning about ancient teachings, alchemy and shamanic rituals, one would say sex magick was part of my education. To cook ourselves nourishing foods as an act of self love and self care. Our own societys rites of passage seem superficial in comparison. Consider writing a blessing of gratitude for each of the ordinary things that sustain you during the day. THANK YOU ALL Find a holy place to walk around. So, with much hesitancy, we did. Lit a candle. In the Celtic tradition, one of the practices that aids in loving attention to daily life is blessing. Preparing for your flow with a yoni steam during the week before your menstruation will help release stagnation to support a more easeful bleed with less cramping and discomfort. The following list is comprised of words used by Wiccans in their theological descriptions, use of magic, and nature worship. Not only is your daughters body changing from that of a girl to that of a sexually mature woman, her brain and emotions are also changing rapidly. They likely would have memorized all 150 psalms, as their days were intertwined with their imagery. The third fundamental principlelies in the acceptance that one of the most powerful forces in the cosmos is the one generated at the moment of climax; for a brief moment during sexual activity this energy, like the others, can be harnessed for magical purposes. Blessings are prayers celebrating the ordinary tasks of the day. I seed my intentions into your soil and as I watch you cycle the seasons I blossom through the seasons of my womb. Prayers were said by the living to the Celtic gods, and food, weapons, and precious goods ritually offered to them. All the mundane activities of the day are opportunities to witness grace at work. From this context (their motivation) we can understand why they did not view sexuality with reservations, prejudices, nor did they abused it; they considered sexuality worthy of celebration. Banais Rgh means Wedding-feast of Kingship. or is it that our subconscious knows there is more to the story? something beautiful and powerful meant to help us transcend when properly used. Bran exuded a stronger sense of urgency but the creatures lurked in the shadows and I froze. It is also important to make a visualization of this projection, which must be integrated in a detailed and precise way. 05 Most of the time such power is lost and rather than being incorporated and used for our own health or to achieve a purpose, we simply expulse it without gathering its many benefits. Celtic traditions were the guiding forces of a mystical rescue of neo-pagan femininity, which for a few years has influenced the feminization of the neo-Indian and Here. Indulging in cacao during your moon time can help you invoke the spirit of Ixcacao as well as nourish your body with magnesium and antioxidants that pure raw cacao is rich in. It is filled with blessings of the days unfolding. In the pre-Christian tradition there are significant feast days aligned with the equinoxes and solstices. The ritual itself also has its ceremonial steps in which different rites are performed, such as forming the circle or the symbol they want to use, or placing the participants in strategic energetic points which exist on the ground, natural drinks that relax the mind and body and which expand the senses among others. Communing with the lunar self and the night time self, the dark yin qualities of life, is equally as important as connecting with the sun self and the day time self, the yang qualities of life. This time the creatures were nowhere to be seen, and so I followed the hare. If youre new to yoni steaming, this is a self care practice dating back to ancient Egypt. How To Reverse Insulin Resistance At Midlife, 13 Habits to Protect Yourself from The Dangers of 5G Radiation. To just be. Honoring menstruation: a time of self-renewal. Owen, Many Navaho people still practice their puberty ritual for girls, the kinaalda. St. Columba of Iona asked God for three things: virginity, wisdom, and pilgrimage. Hares are not burrowing animals and so it is believed the skull and claws of this hare were placed in the tomb in ritual. In fact, it is not only possible, but the right of every woman to experience menstruation as ecstatic, blissful, profound, deeply healing, and even orgasmic. When it comes down to it, intention is key and simplicity is usually best. There is a unique term for this wandering: peregrinatio pro Christo, or the call to wander for the love of Christ. Some time ago, I had a dream of a hare called Bran (raven in Irish). The function of the sexual act during the magick ritual is to provide the energy necessary forIntentionto be carried out, to come true, and achieve the desired change. We call you to take part in the Collective Meditation. Why Your Psoas Muscle Is The Most Vital Muscle in Your Body. Pay particular attention to the signs of the seasonwhat flowers might be in bloom, whether the trees have their leaves, and the height of the sun in the sky. Modern Druids do not consider their role as religious leaders, their focus isnt in trying to get people to follow them nor do they proclaim one has to follow their rules or be part of their group in order to transcend or guarantee a place inheaven. NOW Micah 6:8. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. I needed to uncover its message. the element of fire is part of most traditions, religions and spiritual practices. When my older daughter (now sixteen) turned eleven, I started thinking about how we would punctuate her coming of age. It could be as elaborate as wearing an all red outfit or as subtle as red lipstick or a ruby stone pendant necklace. The landscape can become a theophany, or place of divine manifestation. Should I Still Be Menstruating at Age 55? This was the highest form of ceremony in Ancient Ireland. Rituals occur surprisingly often within our everyday lives. Like our moon we are feminine beings that move through phases of expansion and contraction. Ask yourself what season your own soul is in right now. There was a news story about Dowth Hall, a mansion built in 1760 beside the monumental passage tombs at Dowth, Knowth and Newgrange. It is a full shedding of the lining that would have created a human being had insemination and implantation occurred at the time of ovulation. You can playfully communicate that you are on your moon time for those with eyes to see and wombs that know, by wearing the color red or crimson on the days that you bleed. There has been a recent strong revival of interest into Celtic Christianity as a way to renew our spiritual lives and community worship. HERE WE GO Then extend this by finding a whole morning or afternoon to go to a nearby retreat center or monastery and listen deeply to the sacred stirrings within. When you fantasize you attract, which means if you fantasize over empty animalistic things or people, you will not attract those specific people, instead you will attract worst; people with horrible energy who will come into your space and who will most likely just use and discard of you. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It requires discipline, one has to be willing to walk with the energy as it rises; as such Sexual Magick is not an everyday practice. If you are easily offended by the subject of sexuality and its powers, please do not read any further; this article is instructional, it is not meant to offend anyone and you have choice to simply stop reading and walk away. During execution members consciousness has to rise parallel with the increase of energy until they reach climax when is when the visualization of the goal at hand is released to the universe; when the goal is good, not only will the universe incorporate the energy sent but will also return good energy to the participants, as such they did not waste theirlivingenergy, they did not deplete themselves but regenerated. I could see Bran at the edge of the trees signalling to me to follow him. Sex is the X factor in witchcraft. Christine Valters Paintner is a Benedictine oblate and the online Abbess at, Copyright 2023 US Catholic. Celtic menstrual stories are also scarce but they do indicate that women were more likely to be revered and honoured for their bleed rather than shunned. WebAs far as is known, the Celts had no temples before the Gallo-Roman period; their ceremonies took place in forest sanctuaries. There is a beautiful book of Scottish blessings called the Carmina Gadelica, collected by Andrew Carmichael in the 19th century in Scotlands Outer Hebrides. When we bathe beneath the moon and the stars, especially during our moon time, it helps us to reestablish our connection with the night and all of her medicine and magic. WebMenstrual blood is perfect for charging sigils and servitors in Chaos Magick. Your email address will not be published. This was a spell or curse intended to harm, practiced by the druids. Always. I have always said, once we start learning about life as awholeinstead of compartmentalizing, we can start to see just how much in common there is between civilizations, cultures which apparently were never in contact. In the modern world it can feel challenging to create time and space for solitude, sacred pause, and inner reflection. To paint our dreams without it needing to be anything for anyone but us. where the good way lies; and walk in it, Then the dream happened again. CREATING Also during this preparation period it is important all participants develop self-knowledge and awareness, so they may take advantage of the power of their sexuality when they need it. For what do you want to be remembered? If you wish to regulate your moon cycle with the moon itself, moon and star bathing throughout the month will greatly support this! Perhaps the most important and healing thing we can do during our moon time is simply that. It Thanks to the fundamental principle on which Celtic magic is based, the ritual not only uses as advantage the energy of the people involved but also the energy of the objects and symbolism being used; despite being inanimate, just like living beings they are formed by the same cosmic energy (something modern science has already proven) which can be activated and used when incorporated into a ritual. You may enjoy this womb meditation that supports that connection, which will be very powerful to do while bleeding directly onto the earth. Keep writing, hope to see you at red hot and ladylike, casco bay movers.. Dr. Northrup I just completed reading your newest book, The Secret Pleasures of Menopause, while on a two week vacation in Hawaii with my husband celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. Celtic pre-Christian culture, dating back to 500 B.C.E., permeated the land, and these beliefs also strongly influenced Celtic spiritual practices. ; Amulet an object that deflects negative energy. Here are just a few: Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of womens health and wellness. Required fields are marked *. Taking into account the above fundamental principles, the magical ritual practiced by this Celtic Druidic tradition, takes or attaches great importance to the role ofIntention or Motivation. As a result, much of Celtic Christianity can be characterized by a strongly incarnational theology: The natural world, in particular, reveals the sacramentality of all creation. Cranes were the sacred birds of the druids, kept as royal pets, and revered for their mystical characteristics. Ask to be guided, to enter into the deeper realms of your womb, and then simply trust and allow what you see. I used moon cups for many years until one day my yoni said no and I have since honored that through free bleeding and menstrual cloths. A step-by-step guide to the ancient tradition of sex magic as practiced by generations of Celtic Druids. As we are. NOW Although the sexual abuse of a fewshould; according to societya common misconception; have eradicated my desire to understand the power of sexuality, life granted me a rebellious spirit, which understood my power lay not in giving in to the trauma but on rising above it and that is what I try to do each and every day. Nowadays, modern Celtic groups are putting into practice their ancient traditions, in particular the Druids of the Welsh tradition, who have revitalized Celtic Magick rituals based on the reconstruction and the incorporation of new elements and knowledge, which allows them to adapt their rituals to current times they have managed to implement magical rituals that harness the power of sexuality. The first fundamental principlerefers to the fact there is a collective cosmic energy which forms and makes possible everything that surrounds us, everything that exists; both physical beings and non-physical realities, both living and inanimate beings, everything is formed, penetrated, meshed and possible thanks to this collective cosmic energy; as such it is then obvious we are formed by this energy. 12 Celtic spiritual practices for modern times - U.S. Catholic Creating space and time for sacred rest, pause, and introspection during the days leading up to our moon cycle and the first day of our bleed can help us align with the magic and power that wants to be given to us during this time and lessen our frustrations and emotional overwhelm that are inevitable when we are not listening. As with any kind of magic, your ritual can be quite formal, full of ceremonial trappings or it can be you alone with your partner or you alone, breathing and preparing the vessel to channel the energy throughout your beautiful body. St. Ita of Killeedy focused on faith, simplicity, and generosity. I found them tedious and long. Not only was it supposed to ward off I find that the enjoyment of my menstrual cycle largely depends on the preparations that precede it. When in fact, a womans fertility is the source of her power, her ability to create life from her own body, to gestate a sacred seed in the garden of her womb, and for our ancestors who lived in the times of the womb religions, both birth and menstruation were orgasmic initiations bringing a woman through the veil between the worlds. Even if you awaken with only a fragment or a feeling, record that upon waking. Dr Clodhna N Lionin examining one of the decorated kerbstones at Dowth Hall. This is when wearing a moon cup is especially helpful as you can just remove your cup directly into the water while swimming, restoring the connection between the womb of Gaia and the womb of your birth. Allowing your blood to flow freely, unrestricted by tampons, pads, or even a menstrual cup, can be incredibly liberating and open the doorways to profoundly powerful shamanic dreaming. Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down St. Brigid is often quoted as saying, Go forth and eat nothing until you get a soul friend, for anyone without a soul friend is like a body without a head; is like the water of a polluted lake, neither good for drinking nor for washing.. Enough. You can use With that said, in Tantra as within Celts; there is a respect to those of a much shy nature, as such a couple is taught and encourage to practiceConscious Sexualityso they may use that energy to heal themselves or asMagickto achieve a particular goal; needless to say both partners got to be at the same wave length, meaning the sameIntention. You can then soak the towel in water the next day to collect your blood and offer it back to the earth or your garden in sacred ceremony. Pour the blood into ground and offer prayers and blessings to our earth and our humanity. Medb is a Banlaoch, a Warrior Queen, a sovereignty goddess, the ultimate representation to me of feminine power. When the Lord saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, Moses, Moses! And he said, Here I am. Then he said, Come no closer! Blessing and anointing yourself with your menstrual blood is a powerful way to reclaim what has been deemed dirty and impure as exquisitely divine. Dreams play a significant role in scripture, with guidance and direction often arriving in these night visions. As we entered the dark circle, I could hardly see. whether external or internal, in group or as a coupleWouldnt it be possible to perform Sexual Magick without the need for a ritual? A curse? Why dont we. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: EraofLightblog@Gmail.com. Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you. As you unravel deeper layers, continue to release entanglements and reclaim your sovereignty over your birthing powers, your creative potential, your lovers, and your right to consciously choose. The big ones. Christ behind me, Christ in me We would start out with a special morning together at the house, lounging around and taking our time getting ready. One of the best ways to remember your dreams is to place a journal and pen by your bed at night and then ask God for a dream before sleep. Turn off any notifications from your phone or computer and ask others in your house not to disturb you. There, I received the message I desired to uncover. It was the only time my mom allowed me and my two sisters to take the day off of school. I felt safe to do so because of the ritual I had created. How does the above take place physiologically? You may enjoy warming up sesame oil with some essential oils or rose oils and massaging your whole body before getting into a bath in the evening. When we experience climax, all our energetic fields open up, all our chackras vibrate simultaneously and fluidly; something that often throughout the day does not occur due to our own limiting beliefs, traumas or false programming. Seal with the words, from my womb to the earth womb may all be rebirthed in love.. Ritual is an integral part of the Celtic School of Embodiment because when performed as a self-honouring practice, it can bring us home to our bodies, to the essence of who we are. She is a DANCEmandala facilitator, breathwork facilitator, yoga teacher, and student of many paths of love. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish. The steam rising from my coffee, the bird singing from a tree branch outside my window, the doorbell announcing a friends arrival, the meal that nourishes my body for service all bring me closer to Gods grace. Once the ritual ends, the directions, elements, and any divinity is thanked, and the circle breaks up. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program. The menstrual blood will activate its powers faster. As you can see Sexual Magick is not empty sexuality, it is not there to simply obtain animal pleasure but reinforces our own vitality as it utilises our energy for something good while enjoying rushes of ectasy, a very natural aspect of ourselves and our sexuality. To honor yourself in this way, create your own mini-red tent, draping red fabrics in an area of your home where you can go and not be disturbed, a place to sit for at least a moment of rest in your day away from the outside world and outer demands. IMAGINE QUANTUM KEY I was studying Medieval Irish and Celtic Studies at the time and so, began to recognise that any exposure to the rituals of our pre-Christian, Celtic ancestors were not alive in my body. How many times have you wasted your energy fantasizing about a damaging image or scene on TV/Computer? Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. Yes! It's believed that we form rituals based on our values. Each tribe would have its own royal site where the inauguration would happen. Renew your spiritual life and community worship with these adaptations of ancient Christian practices. and ask for the ancient paths, Both serious practitioners and characters in witchy lore are known for their abilities to unleash primal desires. The intention is the engine, the desire, the goal you want to achieve through the magick ritual. As within so without. Giving your blood back to the earth is a powerful way to reaffirm your connection with nature, honoring that you are not separate from her, you come from her, you are her, you are her daughter. Exodus 20:13. And figured Like the druids, cranes are secretive birds but use their bodies through performance and dance to establish social relationships, make territorial claims and educate their young. Everyone, whether lay or clergy, man or woman, was expected to have a spiritual mentor and companion on the souls journey. Mary Magdalene knew she was an apostle. In fact, only in recent years, the Irish actually started celebrating New Year on December 31st. Choosing to simply be enough, as you are already, is a radical act of feminine empowerment at this time in our herstory. Celtic Wiccan Wedding Rituals: Handfasting: For many Wiccans, handfasting is an essential part of the marriage rite. After that, she was recognized as a woman who had demonstrated her capacity for patience and perseverance. These breastplate prayers name the presence of Christ in all directions as a shield against harm and a reminder of Gods loving presence. Owen, L. (1998). The preparation indicates several activities, for example it is the period in which the objective is clarified and the enchantment is formulated; the construction in word of the intention you want to achieve through the magick ritual. Please enjoy these sacred rituals for honoring your own sacred moon time, share them with your sisters and daughters, and please do share with us in the comments any of your beloved menstruation rituals. One of the most important rituals was preparing a drink of immortality made from menstrual blood, which is full of healing stem cells, which can actually activate our cellular capacity to regenerate and transport us to endocrine states of rapture. REPEAT Stay quiet now, I know you want to. The druid or druidess would stand on one leg, one eye closed, arm outstretched, chanting an incantation in one breath at the intended victim. HERE WE ARE Thresholds are the spaces between when we move from one time to another, as in the threshold of dawn to day or dusk to dark; from one space to another, as in times of pilgrimage or in moving from secular to sacred space; and from one awareness to another, as in times when old structures start to fall away and we begin to envision something new. also in the celtic tradition. Joseph of the Hebrew Bible, Jacobs dream of a staircase from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending, Daniels dream of the four beasts, and Joseph the father of Jesus four separate dreams are all notable examples from scripture. NOW In one of the burial chambers archaeologists discovered the remains of six people and - a hare! Ixcacao herself is a fertility and womb Goddess, connecting us to the roots of life, and through this sustenance and abundance we naturally blossom open our hearts. You may also enjoy receiving a massage from a trusted healer, friend, sister, or lover, honoring yourself as the Goddess you are. A dear friend of mine Hannah Dyson of Soul Seed Gathering shared with me once that an indigenous elder of the Kogi tribe of Colombia explained to her how westerners feel ungrounded and uprooted because their placentas were never buried into the earth at the time of their birth. Celtic traditions were the guiding forces of a mystical rescue of neo-pagan femininity, which for a few years has influenced the feminization of the neo-Indian and neo-Mexican movement known as Red Path (Camino Rojo). When raising energy with a partner, what does the couple want to achieve; a deeper connection, success, power, fertility? This might be across a doorway, in moving from one activity to another, or the thresholds of the day, especially at dawn and dusk. Create a Womb Cocoon in Your Home. When we celebrate Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve, we are continuing the ancient tradition of Samhain, the Celtic festival of the dead. There are pattern days associated with different holy places and a set number of rounds to walk in specific places along with certain prayers. Where you go, I will go; In what ways did you resist or ignore the holy impulses? He has told you, O mortal, what is good; It might be a sunwise journey around a favorite tree, your church, or around the edges of a labyrinth. At first ritual, seemed exotic and something other peoples and cultures did. A few days after I followed Bran, I got an alert on my phone. It amazes me to find two completelydifferentcultures, share something so powerful in common. YES YES YES And so, I decided to take it out of my dreamworld and into my awake time, creating a ritual around it. Much like facial steams help clear skin, open the pores, release tension, and leave skin feeling supple and revitalized, yoni steams offer cleansing, healing, and revitalizing for the womb, vulva, and vagina (yoni). On the last night, all the people, led by their shaman, stay up all night praying for the girl and her family.

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