Click on the tabs below to learn more. Some of the most powerful rules of an organization's culture are unspoken,yet they are clearly understood by the members. In the 20172018 school year, 53 percent of elementary and secondary students identified as a race or ethnicity other than white. Choose the better of the following sentences. Although culturally sustaining practices may look different depending on the context, teachers can: Many districts have personnel who can offer teachers information, training, and supports on topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. And why is that? And I think if we can see other cultures through their view or from different points of view, it makes us that much stronger of a community. The United States is a high-context culture. Members of generation Y are good at multitasking,but tend to ignore tasks they aren't interested in (which can be detrimental to their jobs and to themselves). Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture Adapted from Double-Check: A Framework of Cultural Responsiveness Applied to Classroom Behavior, by P. A. Hershfeldt, R. Sechrest, K. L. Pell, M. S. Rosenberg, C. P. Bradshaw, and P. J. He frowns upon colleagues who fail to arrive on time. Verbally conveying information in a direct and assertive manner is valued. A. Interoperability And then after talking with the student and clarifying the situation and then also asking them what they would like to see in that classroom going forward, would they prefer me to speak to the class when theyre not there, when they are there, and what would make them the most comfortable going forward to make sure that the students in the classroom understand as well as I do? Is this strong proof that they have failed to attain their fuel economy goal? Have students interview each other about their familys culture and practices then provide them with an opportunity to share what they learned about their peers with the class. Cultural capital is this idea that students and their families are familiar or are unfamiliar with what is deemed the legitimate culture within a society and in particular within a school. When you are done, click the Finish button to get some feedback. Black and Latino students, in particular, are subject to more frequent and harsher discipline compared to their white peers. Values that influence decision-making. gender.age., Culture can be lived. a. is experiencing generalized feelings of stress with no identifiable cause b. has been b) False, Anne Spice notes that infrastructure such as oil pipelines has been a tool of O critical infrastructure. Which of the following best explains why Mae does not want to sell How was Chinese communism different from European communism? Members of high-context cultures need clear and explicit information to understand one another. Page 3: Cultural Influences on Behavior. C) Address people using their formal title until they invite you to talk to them on a first-name basis. And every day she came back, we had a new question for her, and we were just as excited for the event as she was. Chapter 5 Flashcards | Quizlet C) central standard Once teachers understand why these gaps exist, they are ready to learn how to address them. This opportunity to get to learn about their students opens up a variety of options for expanding their education. Evacuation of surrounding populace Read these books together as a class. B. Notions of time She was very open and super excited to share with us all the pieces that were going into this quinceaera, and the other students had wonderful questions. what people believe they should do. D. Notions of time Weegy: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Notions of time Score 1 User: True or False: Section 508 only effects employees who work with technology and procurement, not . University of Pittsburgh School of Education, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_oconner_a.mp3, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_oconner_b.mp3. And that has opened many doors just in my personal life and in my work life with my colleagues. User: What is the function of the World Trade Organization? These beliefs and actions can affect the way they operate their classrooms, including how they go about creating rules, procedures, and consequences, and execute their classroom behavior management plan. These norms are reflected in classroom rules and procedures around behavior, communication, and student participation. D. Beliefs and reactions to situations. To gain a better understanding of your own knowledge, attitudes, and practices, as well as to identify areas of strength and growth, complete the Double-Check Self-Assessment. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Notions of time B. C. Type of disaster. During the 20172018 school year, Black students in grades K-12 accounted for approximately 15 percent of total student enrollment. Sociology Chapter 2 Flashcards | Quizlet Updated 10/2/2018 6:31:18 AM. Other ways that behavior management plans can be more culturally sustaining would be to have the teacher build relationships with the students or to have the students have positive interactions with one another. Next Andrew Kwok discusses the discrepancies that may exist between the school and classroom culture and students cultures. They include Personnel, Teams, Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies. B. Notions of time C. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors. Its responsive and then an additional step of really supporting and enhancing, so students are constantly growing in their cultural understanding of themselves, of each other, and of their communities. (Sources: National Center for Education Statistics; U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights; U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs). Question what kind of fragment is "near the computer"? Weegy: She is worried the restaurant will run out of bread for sandwiches best explains why Mae does not want to sell Weegy: Chinese communism pushed the idea that rural peasants were the force behind revolution -is how was Chinese Weegy: "Near the computer" is a prepositional phrase. The style of writing used in text messages (brevity and lack of attention to correct spelling)is viewed by the baby boomer generation as careless and incompetent. C. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors. Then the last bit would be to also consider families and community and peer teachers in considering additional factors that can help teachers succeed in building an effective classroom management plan. But I believe without this safe space, that sharing cant take place. In a sense culture is a society's personality. D. Values that influence decision-making. University of Pittsburgh The Command Staff are incident management personnel that the Incident Commander or Unified Command assign to directly support the command function. Beginning teachers in particular, theyre often focused on maintaining authority and being able to essentially control the kids, be able to have them listen and do what they want to do in order to follow through on their lesson plan. However, Black students were overrepresented in disciplinary actions. T/F: the cost of replacing an engine in a truck is an example of ordinary maintenance. And so basically with cultural capital, the idea is that its passed through families, and it helps them do better in school. These practices are designed to recognize and bridge cultural gaps and represent a shift from the traditional focus of schools, where students are expected to adopt white, middle class norms and to change or shed behaviors that dont align with the schools or teachers expectations. Although there are many different cultures within the United States, the education systems definition of what is appropriate behavior typically reflects white, middle-class cultural norms and values. One suggestion for improving intercultural competence is to remember that difference doesn't mean distance. He or she is manifesting what time orientation? The pieces I didnt understand was its very intricate. Operations Management questions and answers. We have the one person speaking. Recognizing ones own culture and recognizing students culture and supporting them and recognizing it and connecting all those things may be one of the first and foremost things that educators can do to have a smoothly running classroom. C. Security According to Co-Cultural Communication Theory, Euro-Americans are the dominant culture in the United States and therefore have more power. The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. Culture is a word we use to describe any of the practices, beliefs and norms characteristic of a particular society, group, or place. This disparity in cultural and racial backgrounds and experiences can lead to unique challenges and potential misunderstandings. The best time to weigh yourself is in the. User: each one of the following words ends in est. Body is the mental image people have of their own bodies. Standing very close to someone when speaking indicates a close relationship. Length of time that has passed since the disaster. A. While working on a small group project, one member prefers to manage and schedule meeting times, working on one problem at a time. Recognizing that every school in every classroom has a culture and that culture arises from the development of school itself within the United States, but also of that particular location is really helpful to recognizing the ways we can change or keep the different practices and policies that serve us well, and we can discard or change the things that arent serving us well to reflect the changing culture of the classroom and in the school. To learn more about student diversity, view the following IRIS Modules: Although many different cultures are represented in schools across the country, what is commonly perceived as appropriate behavior typically reflects white, middle-class cultural norms and values. If Im a teacher, I might say your behavior looks this way and that looks very, very different from our rules. They can do this by implementing culturally sustaining practicespractices that not only accept but foster students cultural norms and values. There is a clear distinction between the role of the teacher and that of the family: Academics is the sole responsibility of the teachers while families provide instruction on skills and knowledge needed at home and in the community. A few lessons that Ive learned instructing or interacting with students from different cultures is to be as open-minded as possible to create a safe space for them to feel like its OK to share their different views and culture or their background or activities that their families may participate in that are foreign to me. 1 Answer/Comment. They were asking questions. What may appear as noncompliance to a verbal/written instruction or rule may in fact be a language misunderstanding. Note: If you have worked through Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Key Concepts and Foundational Practices, you may have completed this assessment. However, many cultural practices are more subtle: peoples interpersonal relationships, family values, familial roles and obligations, interactions between peers and community members, and beliefs about power and authority. I think culturally sustaining practices really focuses on taking an asset-based approach to young people. State and Federal channels School Behavior Support, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_cottrell.mp3, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_patterson.mp3. Values that influence decision-making. And a lot of that stems from not necessarily a students ability to do something but their understanding of how school works essentially, and their families understanding of how school works. C) Social contexts reveal much information about relationships. An organization's culture can be described as its members' shared perception of "the way things are" in the organization. Weegy: The term that fits the definition provided is "body image". So if they are willing to share, Im willing to learn. Focusing on perceived shortcomings of diverse students and addressing weaknesses rather than acknowledging and building on their strengths. Keeping all resources for private-sector use only The United States is an example of a highly feminine culture. D) costly, Skylar is a very organized and timely individual. Alternatively, instruct students to interview one or more family member(s) about culture and practices and ask them to share what they have learned with the class. When teachers understand how cultural gaps negatively impact some students, they can more effectively develop a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan (e.g., rules, procedures, and consequences). Jordan, on the other hand, has been taught that making eye contact is disrespectful to adults, and so he looks at the ground when Ms. Amry speaks to him. And so if there needs to be any intervention or if there needs to be conversation about it, its the role of the young person. She was going to be in the quinceaera, but she would come in every day explaining: They went for their dress fitting. So when Im expecting them to be sitting and quiet, that might be unnatural to them, and it might be something that they need practice and examples and repeated exposure to before it becomes natural to them. layered. Next, KaMalcris Cottrell discusses how she addresses cultural gaps. b) Are the necessary assumptions to perform inference satisfied? A. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: a. laws. - Brainly We have a quiet hand raised if you would like to ask a question at the end. D) disrespectful. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. C) team cooperation And it made me realize that in the church that I attend everyone is to sit and be quiet. B. Another student asked do the boys get a party, or is it only for girls? And similarly for young people there is an expectation of how you might advocate for yourself. Teachers may not realize how much of their daily routines and practices are influenced by their cultural practices and upbringing. WSCC SPH106 Makeup Quiz #2 Flashcards | Quizlet In short, what I am trying to say is that culture influence ALL of the OPTIONS in the question above,that is option 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'. Culture is the set of values, norms that defines the ways of life of people. So to examine that gives us a better understanding first of what it is. Even in schools where the majority of the student population was from diverse racial or ethnic populations, the majority of teachers were white. Values that influence decision-making. In education, a cultural gap refers to any significant disparity in world views, values, and expectations that exist between a teacher (or the school culture as a whole) and racially and ethnically diverse students. And do they need to change, do these expectations? Students who listen and remain quiet are respectfully engaged. B) high-context A. Beliefs and reactions to situations. Acknowledging and promoting the strengths of diverse students rather than focusing on perceived shortcomings or weaknesses. Complete this activity to identify strengths and areas for growth. But thats not necessarily culturally responsive in the sense that its not necessarily considering what the students need in order to succeed within the classroom. Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Which of the following best describes the way cultural values develop? B) polychronic And those vary across time and space. And it was interesting to see the interplay between the other three students and this young lady. What is the basis of "ism"s such as racism, sexism, or ageism? Chapter 5: Understanding Consumer Behavior Flashcards | Quizlet Teachers should identify and anticipate potential cultural gaps that may influence their behaviors and interactions with students. Vehicles Being a good teacher means that you need to understand who youre going to teach. D) using the most up-to-date methods. If you believe that all people on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) are inherently lazy and don't deserve governmental assistance, what type of prejudice does your belief reflect? Incorporate the cultures of the students in the classroom by: Making sure that the curricula and materials reflect the historical and contemporary cultures of the children represented in the classroom and in the community, Bringing in community and family members as part of regular classroom practice. Personal influence, reference groups, family influence, and culture are types of _____ influence on the consumer purchase decision process. These subjective interpretations lead to negative outcomes for students that further exclude them from learning opportunities, including higher rates of suspensions, expulsions, and even students leaving school. Eliminating implicit bias, which is, like it or not, we all have them. Resilience and Redundancy By understanding their own cultural perspectives, those of their students, and those promoted by the school, teachers can better identify cultural gaps. D) polychronic, Jules takes time to chat with his friends at the beginning of the meeting, even though it means the meeting will start late. Standing very close to someone when speaking indicates a close relationship. A company with a large fleet of cars hopes to keep gasoline costs down and sets a goal of attaining a fleet average of at least 26 miles per gallon. a. counterculture b. culture c. social structure d. culture complex, Which of the . ===>But if we are to choose one out of the options for the most correct Option, the option 'a' will be the most correct. -a person's education, these two things determine the social class of a person (their income is not one of these factors), psychological influences on the purchase decision process, -learning Its important for teachers to identify and anticipate cultural gaps that may influence their behaviors and interactions with their students, preferably before they occur. Weve already started to establish this communication. B. Our own culture impacts our behaviors significantly,yet it is hard for us to describe those cultural expectations,because we follow them unconsciously. we tend to . Which of the following indicates a low-context culture? I think one of the most important aspects of that is, without the recognition of ones own culture, we start to see that the practices that were engaged in, our ways of being, our ways of knowing as sort of normal. Before teachers can begin to navigate the complexities of the diverse student backgrounds in their classrooms, it is crucial that they take time to examine their own beliefs and cultural practices. They invite me to their sporting events, their parties, things like that. Texas A&M University, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_elem_p02b_oconner.mp3, Discrepancies between classroom and students cultures, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02b_kwok.mp3, Developing a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02d_kwok.mp3. Finally, he talks about developing a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan. How can a seller organization influence perceptions of a buyer organization? O urban gentrification. A) individual competence. Youre really good at it. He felt disappointed but decided to study an hour each night Weegy: The best time to weigh yourself is in the: morning after you exercise. In 15 minutes every child has a chance to share, and you can always choose to pass and then at the end well come back around if now youre comfortable with sharing, you may do that at the end. And so in some ways it can be responsive, but it also can serve as the precursor really to setting up your classroom dynamic that can help to have a smooth flow in your classroom but also can help when you return to it to say, oh, hey, we established this together. Lori Delale-OConnor, PhD all of the options are correct. Ideal and real culture pattern are ? The U.S.and Canada are typical examples of high-context cultures. Recognizing and understanding why students behave in certain ways can prevent misunderstandings based on cultural differences. If the teacher does not understand Jordans culture, a seemingly insignificant action like looking at the ground could be misinterpreted as defiance, apathy, or lack of respect and could result in the teacher administering a negative consequence. B) making the working conditions more pleasant To learn more about cultural influences on behavior and how demographic differences can lead to cultural gaps that negatively impact students, we encourage you to listen to Lori Delale-OConnor in this extended IRIS Interview. As noted above, when a students culture does not align with that of the classroom, this can result in cultural gaps. A pair of pie charts is used to contrast the ethnic makeup of students and teachers. B) Be aware that customs in most other countries are much less formal than in the U.S. Anthropology(Quiz 2) Flashcards | Quizlet B) I refuse to do that. If you tend to reveal personal actions, viewpoints, and events on social media sites, you are likely a member of an individualistic culture. Lori Delale-OConnor, PhD Lets talk about why a students behavior or students behavior more generally may not align with the school and may not align with what those expectations are. In high context cultures such as Asian societies,receivers rely heavily on social rules,the history of the relationship,and nonverbal cues to decode the message. Build relationships with students When teachers and students learn more about and develop a mutual respect for each other: Teachers gain a better understanding of what students need to engage in class and to succeed, Students gain a better understanding of why particular rules and procedures are necessary to help the class run smoothly and to help the class succeed. Copyright 2023 Vanderbilt University. Students who listen and remain quiet are respectfully engaged. However, racial identity is the product of social, historical, and political contexts, and thus students racial and cultural identities often share many commonalities. We are born with knowledge of our culture's expectations; we do not need to learn them through experience. Its difficult for the teacher to be able to differentiate one lesson 20, 30 different ways for each individual within the classroom, but if they can think about collective similarities across students and see how they interact with one another and how they can help one another to learn and grow, that will allow for opportunities to change and adapt these structures within the system. In support of the third goal of FEMAs action plan, FEMA leaders at all levels must recognize that diversity, management is a significant part of their role as FEMAs leaders, and that they are held accountable for, Which of the following electronic and information technology products is not required to meet Section 508, True or False: During deployment of the disaster workforce, the Federal Coordinating Officer has the sole. They have an idea of the classroom, and they want to stick to that and make all students within that classroom abide by that particular structure. In short, what I am trying to say is that culture influence ALL of the OPTIONS in the question above,that is option 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'. O settler colonialism When you are working in a disaster area, it is common to work with different types of first responders. Culture is the set of values, norms that defines the ways of life of people. Providing directions in the form of a question (e.g., Can you join us for group time?) implies an expectation to comply. One or two specific ways of how to behave and how to act within a classroom or a school environment, those sort of ways of acting and behaving does not necessarily always align with how other cultures think about or process appropriate behavior. -value, beliefs, and attitudes Cultural differences are particularly important to understand as the U.S. student population becomes more and more racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse. Weegy: In physics, power is the rate of doing work. Kind C) personal performance. It isn't important to learn about an organization's culture before you accept a job because organization's cultures change quickly. They include __________, Teams, Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies. I believe the importance of understanding an individuals culture is just to continue to give them validity. Asked 10/2/2018 5:52:24 AM. When you are done, click the Finish button to get some feedback. C) learned behaviors shared by a group. /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_lloyd.mp3, KaMalcris Cottrell They didnt realize it was such a big deal for this culture and a young lady turning 15. C. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors. School of Education, Andrew Kwok, PhD Teachers need to recognize what makes their students tick and what motivates them and what expectations they may have of themselves and how those expectations can be transferred over into the classroom. At the core, we need to remember the role of schools is really to support and serve young people. Solved consumer response to marketing stimuli is influenced - Chegg Which of the following statements about disability etiquette is FALSE: A. Its ok to pet a service dog if he doesnt look busy. I was asking questions. It is also important for teachers to recognize that their students cultural practices and beliefs might well be different from their own. Solved 1 4 points The Southwest culture region is driven - Chegg Lori Delale-OConnor, PhD B. B. Beliefs and reactions to situations. Therefore, option 'a' will be the most correct option here. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. User: You will not gain weight from Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: When defining culture, researchers normally don't include sexual orientation or gender in their definition. A lot of times I think it can be helpful, especially as were talking about sustaining, which really means not only acknowledging but supporting young people in bringing in not just the young people and the teachers but also families, caregivers, or community members to both acknowledge and support those differences as well. In white, middle- and upper-class schools, there is a strong expectation that parents know how to intervene on behalf of their children. A few ways that I have addressed culture gaps is personallystarting with meself-reflection, learning what my views are, learning and admitting that I didnt know all that I should have known, but being willing to learn it. Culture is such a powerful influence on our outlooks and behaviors that often we are not even aware of it, instead believing our perspectives are just the way things are. In the context of increasingly diverse classroom settings, such unexamined beliefs can lead to avoidable conflict and a loss of valuable instructional time. Operations Management. If a female manager from the United States is conducting business in a country where men are treated as superior,she can gain immediate respect by explaining that she is a U.S.citizen so she should be treated as an equal.

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