Some of the gods that find themselves on this list arent always viewed as evil, but they all have their own nasty qualities that land them here. Greek. Greek Goddess Of Childbirth And Pregnancy. What follows is a list of the most evil and dangerous Greek Gods and Goddesses. This side to their personality can be evil, dangerous and incredibly destructive and goes well beyond normal behaviour. Unfortunately, the giant did have a companion the incredibly strong stallion Svailfari, who helped keep the city building right on schedule. Strictly speaking, it is inaccurate, and unfair, to regard Shinto divinity Sugawara no Michizane as a god of illness. To distract the stallion, he transformed himself into a beautiful mare and led Svailfari off into a distant forest. Not really taking this article seriously or anything though!). She was the Goddess of deceit, deception, guile and fraud, not someone to bump into in the street. I agree with you on the rest though. There, she bore a demonic brood of more than one hundred a day. Feel some sympathy towards a guy who lost a lottery and has to rule the underworld. Some texts claim that Lilith was the first wife of the Bibles Adam and was created on par with him. Heracles figured this out during a battle and lifted him off the ground and crushed him to death with a hug in order to win. Consumed by jealousy, Lilith turned into a snake and tempted Eve with the forbidden apple. The Dii Consentes are sometimes seen as the Roman equivalent of the Greek Olympians. He was also the ruler of Rotaimo, the land of the dead, and in Sami beliefs, it is said that those who did not live their lives according to the natural order would be reborn in Rotaimo. Since the dawn of man, there has always been evil. Hecate, while magic and witchcraft are associated to her, its not inherently evil. Roman Goddesses A-Z List of Roman Deities ADDucation's list of Roman goddesses includes the parents, consorts, siblings, groups and titles of Roman godesses. Saturn, for instance, can be said to have another origin here, and so too Diana. However, there are some Gods and Goddesses whose evil side can very often get the better of them. Usually just called Athena, this goddess emerges from Zeus's head fully-grown and armed. The Roman deities most widely known today are those the Romans identified with Greek counterparts (see interpretatio graeca), integrating Greek myths, iconography, and sometimes religious practices into Roman culture, including Latin literature, Roman art, and religious life as it was experienced throughout the Empire. [citation needed], Varro uses the name Dii Consentes for twelve deities whose gilded images stood in the forum. Deimos and Phobos 6. Some analysts consider his role in the Exorcist as that of reflecting the goodness of God. Because Hera and Hades dont have any place among these Gods, in fact Hades is one of the few who doesnt have any myth where he r*pes someone. It is also believed that no matter how many times he was challenged, he could never be entirely vanquished. 9 Gods of Healing From World Mythologies and Religions, Heres How Covid-19 Ranks Among the Worst Plagues in History. Tartarus himself was the pit . The "goddess of the crossroads" is also the goddess of night, magic, necromancy, the Moon, and ghosts. Hera should have been placed farther back, but she deserves a spot. . Much like in Greece, Roman Gods and Goddesses were also arranged in couples: Jupiter-Juno, Neptune-Minerva, Mars-Venus, Apollo-Diana, Vulcan-Vesta and Mercury-Ceres. , and some exist to torment humanity. He was the King of the Titans in the era prior to the reign of the Olympians and ruled with an iron fist. Hades came along in a chariot, swooped her up and took her down to the underworld. As scholars also know from a. , which preserves the ritual against Lamashtu, she was also bribed away with offerings of small feminine objects, such as combs and fibulae. Following which, he was also associated with other dreaded Egyptian gods such as Seth. In other words, it was believed that the deadly plague demon could frighten away other wicked beings. manatita44 from london on April 08, 2020: An interesting study. A lectisternium is a banquet for the gods, at which they appear as images seated on couches, as if present and participating. The di indigetes were thought by Georg Wissowa to be Rome's indigenous deities, in contrast to the di novensides or novensiles, "newcomer gods". Resheph was an ancient Egyptian god of plague and war. [14] Although individual names are not listed, they are assumed to be the deities of the lectisternium. Moros is the personification of dreadful doom and is generally known as a hateful spirit. The final son was considered the most dreadful, which is why his name does not appear in any reliable text. Gods were called Pater ("Father") to signify their preeminence and paternal care, and the filial respect owed to them. The Roman Empire was a primarily polytheistic civilization, which meant that people recognized and worshiped multiple gods and goddesses.Despite the presence of monotheistic religions within the empire, such as Judaism and early Christianity, Romans honored multiple deities.They believed that these deities served a role in founding the Roman . The first of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the White Rider is strictly speaking, neither a plague god nor demon. The beast part has changed throughout time, but the most common mixture is half man, half faun. Their evil attempts to wreak havoc were usually petty and always extreme. According to the most common traditions, Hekate was originally a Thracian deity whoas both a Titan and the daughter of Zeushad power over the heavens and Earth. Also, just because her husband cheated on her doesnt mean that she should take it out in the women and children. As for how Nergal came to be associated with plagues, some anthropologists believe this to be the result of syncretism with Erra, a Babylonian plague god. To the chilling winds of morning. And there are many gods who have less than a stellar record in Greek myth. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Of note, modern Japanese worshippers today pray to Sugawara no Michizane for scholastic success., Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, vaigds, goddesses of the stars and planets, This page was last edited on 28 April 2023, at 18:32. He spent his time driving humans to their untimely, and usually unpleasant, demise. Also this loved sounds of mourning stuff I dont know where they get that from. Pallas Athena Roman name: Minerva. The meaning of the epithet indiges (singular) has no scholarly consensus, and noven may mean "nine" (novem) rather than "new". Apep, the serpent god, the deification of evil and darkness; Kuk, uncreated god and the personification of the primordial darkness; Khonsu, god of the moon; Nut, goddess of the night also associated with rebirth; Greco-Roman . The son of two giants, he essentially tricked his way into becoming a deity. Yeah, Hades isnt evil Poor guy, no one give him a break. E. Stuart, who was a mentor during her archaeological studies. Then, God made an obedient wife, Eve. But what is evil exactly, as its definition can be double-sided? However, the brothers and their siblings were unhappyas there was not enough space for them allso T, ne wished to separate their parents by forcing Rangi upward. This angered both Cronus and their mother Gaia. He had a deep and calculating rage and was often very jealous at the other Olympian Gods. Thats all it takes to be made a god. I believe hecate should be on the list and not hera because she is the godess of magic and is often trying to overthrow the gods. The evil god was not worshipped; he was feared. Probably the most famous myth involving Eris is that of the Judgement of Paris. In Chinese, Tian Hua Niang Niang means the maiden of heavenly flowers, and refers to the deified form of all pox diseases; particularly smallpox. Each time Ra sailed on his barge into the underworld, Apophis would attack him to prevent sunrise. To prevent being consumed by Whiro, one should be cremated, as the god cannot gain strength from ashes. Why would you punish someone for something they didnt even do just because you are jealous and have the power to. Not to be confused with, The three Roman deities cultivated by major flamens, Twelve Roman deities attended by the minor flamens, The three Roman deities cultivated by major, Twelve Roman deities attended by the minor, R.W. Cronus castrated his father and threw the severed genitals into the sea, from which arose Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and sexuality. The evil god Whiro is often confused with a hero of the same name: Whiro the voyager. Read on to learn about five evil gods with spine-chilling backstories that might just keep you up at night. On coins, calendars, and other inscriptions, Mercury, Saturn, Silvanus, Fons, Serapis, Sabazius, Apollo, and the Genius are also found as Invictus. Despite her dark supremacy, Lamashtu had a weaknessthe plague bringer, Pazuzu. On the fields of sin and sorrow; Read on to learn about five evil gods with spine-chilling backstories that might just keep you up at night. Coming in at number #5 of all evil gods is the, . He was unforgiving and took pleasure in the act of vengeance. Worse, Nergal seldom hesitates to use these powers. Hades kingdom is actually called the Underworld. Detail of Original Sin and Banishment from the Garden of Eden. A Sami demon of illness and death, Ruohtta rode throughout Sami lands on a horse, spreading epidemics and death wherever he went. The Erinyes also known as the Furies were female deities of vengeance and chaos. 2. Yu, A. C. (n.d.). "[25], Varro makes various claims for Sabine origins throughout his works, some more plausible than others, and his list should not be taken at face value. Pan lusted after a wood nymph named Syrinx who ran away from his advances. Zeus, much like his father Cronus, had received a prophecy that if his wife, Metis, had a son then this son would kill Zeus. When Paris chose Aphrodite instead of Hera as the fairest goddess, Hera dedicated all her energy to the fall of his city, Troy. Enyo loves war more than Ares arguably. During the fall of Troy she was alongside Ares, Eris, Phobos, and Deimos inflicting terror and causing bloodshed. He was also often unfaithful to his wife Hera and had a number of children by these mistresses. The Fallen Angel. They commonly feature in polytheistic religions. Hecate was a goddess that ruled mainly over spells and magic, essentially, witchcraft. That is so wrong. Pan knew that she had been transformed but didnt know which reed she was. The Gods who "came to Earth". Also, Zeus didnt negotiate for her release. In others, he tries to cause as many problems as possible. Her three aspects are Macha, Badb, and Nemain (or sometimes Anu). This agreement is why the angels names were engraved on the amulets. She also cheated on him. Like several other plague gods and demons on this list, Chalchiuhtotolin was prayed to for good health too; this again, because of the belief that a god of disease can both kill and heal. Others call him the Devil, Satan. Fortuna is the Goddess of fate and fortune and also bringer of fertility. 9 deadly plague gods and demons from world mythology. Each bit of flesh made him stronger so that eventually he would be powerful enough to break free of the netherworld, breach the surface, and devour everything. He loved Persephone, and Persephone is starting to return that love for him now(or so many people believe). However, whether this was to garner her protection or invoke her for sinister means remains a mystery. However, like Poseidon, shes vain, gets jealous easy, and goes to extremes with her punishments. The four brothers held down Uranus, the sky God, each holding down one corner. The Romans had gods for every imaginable thing. She was believed to have become pregnant by the East-wind and consequently birthed nine sons, all of whom carried the vilest diseases: Pistos (consumption), hky (colic), Luuvalo (gout), Riisi (rickets), Paise (ulcer), Rupi (scab), Syj (cancer), and Rutto (plague). Read more about them and youll understand why. She was believed to have become pregnant by the East-wind and consequently birthed nine sons, all of whom carried the vilest diseases: (plague). Pan 13. Zeus, Poseidon, Dionysius, Apollo all have atleast one. The evil god Whiro is often confused with a hero of the same name: Whiro the voyager. When Hera heard that Zeus had had a son, she sent two snakes to strangle him in his bed. Previously an Ugaritic deity and associated with Nergal (see above), Resheph is believed to have been introduced to the Egyptian pantheon during the New Kingdom era of the Egyptian Empire. In addition the table includes the equivalent Greek gods on which the Roman pantheon of gods and Roman mythology is based. i did not mean to cause any argument, i was simply just expressing my opinion on why i disagree with the list. She was also the goddess of the moon so her power usually resided in the night hours. Tolkien's evil Orcs. The existence of Belobog and Chernobog is attributed to the symbolism of peace and chaos, evil and good, day and night, and Light and darkness. Some of the choices might surprise you, but we feel they deserve their place! Cronus then, using a particularly gruesome means of dispatch, a sickle, castrated Uranus. Ampelus fell for the trick and soon after fell off the bull breaking his neck. Norse: Trickster god Parents: Frbauti and Laufey Consort: Angrboa (also Sigyn and Svailfari) Loki is somewhat of an enigma in Norse mythology, as many sources sharply vary in their retelling of his story. Death and Destruction: 5 Evil Gods of the Underworld, 10 Brutal Ways to Die by Torture in the Ancient World, 5 Mayan Inventions That Will Surprise You, Who Were the Anglo-Saxons? In all accounts of the living going to the underworld and interacting with Hades, he never attacked, cursed or maimed someone who didnt deserve it. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. He grabbed At by the hair and threw her down to earth, forbidding her from ever returning to Mount Olympus. Phoboter is unique because there is no true physical form that has been reported on him. Bronze statuette of the Assyrian demon Pazuzu, , 1st millennium BC, bronze statuette, Muse du Louvre, Paris, Despite her dark supremacy, Lamashtu had a weaknessthe plague bringer, Pazuzu. She was despised by many of the other gods and they often wouldnt choose to interact much with her. They were described as having black bodies with bat wings and snakes for hair. Sekhmet was the Egyptian goddess of war and destruction, depicted with a lioness head and among the most feared by her people of ancient times. This makes it hard to pinpoint what he actually looks like because nobody has seen him. When Zeus took Hera as his wife, Poseidon started problems claiming he had a right to her as well. At knew this and encouraged Ampelus to ride a bull in order to impress Dionysus. It is said that he caused unexplained darkness like solar eclipses, storms, and earthquakes, and was often depicted as a huge serpent with tightly compressed coils: Apophis was perhaps the only Egyptian god to be all-powerful, with an army of demons at his disposal. Augusta, the feminine form, is an honorific and title associated with the development and dissemination of Imperial cult as applied to Roman Empresses, whether living, deceased or deified as divae. Or, to justify/proof the existence of God. Due to her bitterness and a subsequent inability to bear children, Lilith was also known to threaten women in childbirth. Weve narrowed that list down to the six craziest and most terrifying deities of all time. Very few made it into the underworld and returned, the only real success story is that of Heracles and the rescue of Theseus. She had a number of siblings including Moros, who represented doom, Nemesis, representing retribution, and the Keres, representing violent death. I think, however mythical he is, he needs to be allowed to not be looked upon as an evil death god. Hecate is also the goddess of the crossroads and is said to grant travelers protection. No man could resist Aphrodite when she wore her magic girdle. Some archaic deities have Italic or Etruscan counterparts, as identified both by ancient sources and by modern scholars. For a familial goddess, she had no patience with zeuss affairs. She was often involved in all types of conflict, family arguments, blood feuds and wars over territory. Coming in at number #5 of all evil gods is the Maori demon-god, Whiro. From then on she wandered the earth walking on mens heads rather than the ground wreaking havoc. She would haunt the battlefield and took great delight in the act of war. In Aztec art, he was frequently depicted with black/white eyes, i.e., a symbol of evil. Amulets like the one pictured above, depicting the lion-headed, bird-clawed Lamashtu, were worn by an expectant mother to defend herself against the demoness. When hes in nightmares hes constantly transforming into different creatures to scare his unfortunate victims. Phobos was often worshipped by many of the Greeks before great battles. Her epithet was the beautiful maiden, but she was believed to have been a harlot and a vampire who, once she chose a lover, would never let him go, without ever giving him real satisfaction. His kingdom was named Tartarus and the entrance was guarded by the three headed dog Cerberus, a fearsome beast. Tartarus was a primordial god who ruled the pits of Tartarus. Some sources claim that the demonic offspring Lilith boreafter she left Adamwere the incubi and succubi, and sired by an archangel named Samael. This Is Their Incredible History, Disciplined and Dangerous: 6 Famous Roman Legions, 16 of the Most Significant Gods of Ancient Egypt, Middle Kingdom Egypt: The Period of Transformation. Some texts claim that Lilith was the first wife of the. In describing the lectisternium of the Twelve Great gods in 217 BC, the Augustan historian Livy places the deities in gender-balanced pairs:[13], Divine male-female complements such as these, as well as the anthropomorphic influence of Greek mythology, contributed to a tendency in Latin literature to represent the gods as "married" couples or (as in the case of Venus and Mars) lovers. This affirms that worship of the goddess already existed during the Ming Dynasty. Chalchiuhtotolin, a much-feared god of disease in the Aztec pantheon. Following his death, Japan was besieged by epidemics and disasters. This meant he was good at fighting and it meant that he had most of all the soldiers at heart. She is alternatively called Douzhen Niang Niang. Athena would not hesitate to sacrifice someone in order for her mission to be furthered. Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. In the Shin Megami Tensei series of video games, Nergal is typically shown as a barbaric demonic being, with a slew of twisted faces on his exposed chest. [26] But the importance of the Sabines in the early cultural formation of Rome is evidenced, for instance, by the bride abduction of the Sabine women by Romulus's men, and in the Sabine ethnicity of Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome, to whom are attributed many of Rome's religious and legal institutions. Wrestling Antaeus was an unfair match to any regular person. Ugliest of Manas children, The first Augusta was Livia, wife of Octavian, and the title is then shared by various state goddesses including Bona Dea, Ceres, Juno, Minerva, and Ops; by many minor or local goddesses; and by the female personifications of Imperial virtues such as Pax and Victoria. Yes! Some are evil gods of the underworld, and some exist to torment humanity. Often depicted as a lion in ancient Mesopotamian art, Nergal was eventually demonized by Christian writers and occultists, following which he became a spy of the demon Beelzebub. To the source of stormy weather, According to mythology, he was the brother of the light god, T, ne, and born from Papa (Earth) and Rangi (Sky). Moros as a representative for doom was not known for easy deaths that he could provide, rather most he presided over were violent and painful. When Asgard (the home of the Norse gods) was being built, Loki came offered his services to Odin (King of the gods) and his son, Thor (god of Thunder). As revenge Hera told Apate to convince Semele to ask Zeus to show her his true form. I will also point out their Greek counterpart. ", Invictus ("Unconquered, Invincible") was in use as a divine epithet by the early 3rd century BC. He had a disloyal personality, often betraying those who had once helped him. Continue reading to discover the most important Roman Gods and Goddesses and what role they covered. Being a dark and gloomy job, he was keen to cheer things up a little and to do this he had his eye on Persephone, the daughter of the god Demeter. 9 Gods of Healing From World Mythologies and ReligionsThough wrong to consider these gods as the natural opponents of plague gods, these deities still represent humankind's hopes of salvation from pestilence and diseases. (This isnt a hate comment and I know that it said shouldnt take this seriously and Im not Im just blowing off steam). She foresees warriors' death before they happen, and is also considered a goddess that protects the king. A catastrophe in which many will perish too. Depicted as a winged being with beastly and obscene features, Pazuzu was deeply feared but also frequently invoked for protection against other evil spirits, plagues, and disasters. It is not really the womens faults as Zeus could have made the women think that he truly loves them and that he doesnt love Hera. In others, he tries to cause as many problems as possible. As author Rick Riordan repeatedly highlights in his The Trials of Apollo series, the handsome Olympian could effortlessly dispense diseases with his divine arrows. Asteria and Phoebe on the Pergamon Altar. From a very early age in Britain, I was known to sit at the breakfast table reading encyclopedias about many of the major world mythologies. This is particularly true of those gods belonging to the archaic religion of the Romans dating back to the era of kings, the so-called "religion of Numa", which was perpetuated or revived over the centuries. As revenge for the betrayal, Zeus had Prometheus tied to a mountain and each day a great eagle would peck out his liver. I think that as he was the lord of the underworld he was feared, although Thanos was the God of death. One day she went missing and in her grief her mother Demeter caused famine across the land.

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