On their journey home they wind up in a plane crash. (One Trick Pony), Ty is, reluctantly, helping put together Ben's new jumping course. At the rodeo Ty asks Tim about bull riding. Caleb later goes to Ty, when Amy's not around, and tells him he believes they should let Ghost go. Ty continues working on his bike, when he hears on the radio about the accident involving a school bus. Ty checks on Boxer and tells Amy that it doesn't seem like he's settling in, she calls his owner to come and visit. Ty defends Kit when Amy blames her for causing the outbreak after attending a rodeo where there was an outbreak and not informing them, causing a rift between Amy and Ty. They start bustling and Ty stops when everyone comes out the house telling him he's not worth it. Ty and Amy go into business together after the strains of parenthood become a problem when Amy and Ty are both working. He send a postcard for the Grand Canyon with the words "I Promise" written on the back. When Caleb interrupts asking where he was since he didn't get in until 2am, Amy gets upset that he lied to her and tells him not to come to the dance. Ty is furious with Ashley when Val fires him for being a criminal because she told him it was sorted. Although, when he's there he see's a motorcycle, Ashley tells her it's his brother's bike and asks him to take her for a ride. When Amy is disappointed that she won't be able to train as Spartan refuses to go in the trailer, Ty get's an idea. Jack invites Ty on the round-up he's going on. He tells her that he wasn't a good student but she doesn't believe him. When he arrives back at Heartland Jack tells him to pack his things and leave the next morning. After Scott delivers Merlin he leaves them to try and bond, Kit worries that she won't accept him and he'll go hungry so Scott leaves bottles. (Miracle), Amy and Ty are happy with there plan, they manage to get Caleb to go to Maggie's which means he'll bump into Ashley. When Ashley arrives, she invites them both to an after party at hers after the school formal. Ty insists on coming with him, he's still his assistant for the rest of the day. His smile quickly faded as he was hit with a sudden dizzy spell and, as if on cue, his legs buckled and he began to collapse. Back inside, Ty asks Amy if she's ok and she tells him she's letting the place get to her. They she starts talking to him and trying to play him to try and get him to show her affection. Tim arrives and brings a horse, Payback, for Amy to work with, a cutting horse that's scared of cows. Ty tells her that maybe she should buy another horse but she refuses as she has Spartan. As he's leaving he helps Jack who can't get the seat back to normal after Amy drove the truck. When Ty starts to get acceptance letters for college, the pair become nervous about the prospect of a long distance relationship but agree to make it work no matter what. After mulling it over, he decides to tell Amy about it, only to find that Georgie had accidentally slipped the secret. They have a fight and then anaccidenthappens. (Born to Run), Ty is intent on impressing Tim so practices ropingMallory. He sits with Kit in his truck talking about studying and online school. Vet Ty and Caleb bond over their mutual appreciation of Mindy's work. (Letting Go), When Amy returns from her show he congratulates her and she tells him about the plan to join the A-Circuit. At dinner, Mallory teases Ty by telling everyone she wants to spill a secret and then tells them that he's graduated High School finishing in the top 10%. Jack warns him off Amy and Lou telling him that he's not to get within 10 feet and any part that does will be removed. He didn't really know what to say he didn't exactly have an excuse. Ty goes to the Dude Ranch and finds Lou and Peter asking to continue his lessons. "Yeah uh she called me and asked if I could take her shift She said it was a family emergency." He gives her a gift, a blank journal to write in. Amy, later, asks to see Ty's suit but he tells her not now as he needs to go out. (Gift Horse) Ty helps out on the cattle drive, taking the Dude Ranch horses for a test drive. Ty starts to take an interest in becoming a vet, he starts to work with Scott to develop his knowledge and skills alongside going to university. Ty finds Wes and offers to pay double what he bought, triple but he refuses causing a fight to erupt between the two. HestiaOlympus, RaspberryFreya, Beckaruth, Daniello_Mikaelson, Bookemdanno98, Dumb_risk_taker2, Fall_ButterFlies_have_sadness, Ionlydrinkgayvodka, emtholdir, Neap, Sexual_Potatoes, NotAnAlien52, Agent_Krissy, BiPsychopath, baileyyjayye, Krisseli88, Marcel_Zabooga, thephonyqueenofengland, mariefandom, USP, random_and_fandoms, nazville, fOGGYdREAM, Lysen5972, NillaJinx, jimmujamskirkholmes, musicalera24, Ariles, HistoryNerd2, SupernaturalPhoenix, 7obi_F0X, Pippythewriter, fiona_ellie, Ell13, ponie182, BlackWolfHeartnet, ieatfishfood, writeallnight, katy3698, Sabbiiii, ncerise, ProblemChildNumber1, Viscella, kitastrophes94, speaknow, and goddess_of_the_nerds Amy pulls away explaining that she doesn't want things to change between them, Ty tries to convince her to give people the same amount of chances she gives horses. Jack tells them about Paul Bailey, Kit's dad, had cows stolen the previous night. (Come What May) Ty help Jack by fixing his truck, while doing so Mallory rambles about telling the people you like how you feel before it's too late. He talks to Amy about intervening when Ashley arrives and offers Ty a job at Briar Ridge. (The Best Laid Plans) Ty isn't happy when Carl has to share the loft while he's there. Amy sorts out the schedules for Ty and Caleb to make sure all the work gets done when she goes back to school, she talks to him about it and he's annoyed that she's been talking to Caleb not him, admitting he was wrong the other night. Ty convinces her to watch and sees Amy drop the reins and Daisy runs freely around the barrels. When the dizzy spell passed he noticed the worried look on his boss's face. When they arrive, they drive with Jane to the spot on the hilltop where she saw the injured wild horse. As she goes to maintain the fire he watches her end early and tells her that she's beautiful. (Do or Die), Ty shows Amy the horse, Money, that Kit has given him to re-home for her. Ty tells her he's excited to go with her to the rodeo this weekend, Kit tells him that Amy and Caleb are also going, to Ty's surprise. (True Enough), Lou hands out confidentiality agreements to everyone for the new guest at the Dude Ranch, famous actress - Mindy Fanshaw. The next morning, Ty talks to Brad and says he'll go with him to the Grand Canyon one day. Amy and Ty work together with Diva, Amy tells him that she has missed them working together and he agrees, when Caleb interrupts to tell Amy he'll got o the wedding with her. Kit shows Ty her method, she ties a soft rope around Harley's neck and leg so that he can't kick or walk off that way they can do what they want. Mallory tells him he shouldn't reward bad behaviour but he dismisses her. (Divorce Horse), Ty helps Amy work with a new client horse, Acorn who's scared of noises. (The Fix), It's Ty's last day at Heartland before heading to university, he doesn't want to make it a big deal whereas Amy wants to do something big. When Amy is upset, after seeing Ryan Bailey, Ty comforts her and they nearly kiss. Closely followed by Lou saying she's going to lock up the Dude Ranch. Amy is further upset when Ty takes a job as a part-time stable hand at the racetrack for five mornings a week, she tries to convince him that he can do more around Heartland but he also thinks it would benefit them to have some time away from each other. He tells her they will still get married no matter what and her sight eventually returns. The beginning of the season finds Ty maturing as he embraces married life and settles into the new position it affords him in the Heartland family. She cries in Ty's arms as he comforts her. When Clint has an allergic reaction to nuts, he tells Ty to help with the kids as he's his poster boy for success. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They have a nice moment when he tells her to see her dad. Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC Chapter 1. Amy was working with a woman client from Manitoba. Ty sighed. He talks him down and manages to get him to put the gun down. Ty and Amy are elated, until Jack tells them he's going too. Kerry-Anne tells Ty about how she swindled $20 out of Maggie's He's disgusted at her behavior and that Soraya is Amy's best friend. (Dark Horse) Ty's with Kit in the barn and they both apologize for being jealous and make up. Although the first aid kit, radio and transponder is broken he's delighted that his picture for Amy survived. Ty starts talking to her about it and thinks the problem is more with her, when she was riding previously she was leaning back and jerking her reins, which she refuses to believe. When Ty's preparing to leave for university he finally admits to Val that he is going to miss him when he leaves. When mark comes to pick up Venture Amy gets him to do join up, when he refuses Ty goads him into doing it, which proves successful. Ty later tells her that she can catch up with Caleb if she wants, inadvertently making her feel bad for spending time with Caleb when he left for 4 months and didn't call, she goes off ahead. (Coming Together), Ty is walking through the streets when two guys grab him to beat him up, he manages to get away and the chase him on motorcycles. On their ride they talk about their "parenting" styles, Ty explains he promised himself if he ever had kids he would give them nothing but love. Amy tells Ty about Ashley blackmailing her to help with Apollo or Ben will take the jumps away. Scott comes to check him and tells them they need to get him to eat something. Ty realises Scott's in more pain, he tells him he must remove the metal as his leg is now infected. Mallory teases them that they're like new parents. Ty sits nervously in the Loft looking at a picture of Amy on his phone when Kit arrives. After meeting Mark, Ty believes he's hiding something. Jack later takes over sponsoring him and allows him to continue to work at Heartland. He receives a letter from him in the season 1 finale and he's conflicted but decides to go and see him. Scott does final checks on the plane and the pair fly out. Scott tells them he has a lead on an orphaned foal that she might accept, he goes to pick it up and Ty stays with Kit. But when Ghost comes to Heartland, after a concerned Amy calls Ty, it is revealed Ty is sick. "Ty?" They lived in the same group home when they were younger. She invites Ty over to hers later that night but he declines. During a clinic, Chase Powers kisses Amy. Amy, Lou and Ty fawn over the new trucks in the brochure trying again to convince Jack to get a new truck, he avoids them by going to bed. When they spend time together training racehorses for the Derby, they become closer again and almost kissing. On race day, Ty advises Jack that he come from behind as that's how Money's won his previous races, Jack refuses saying he likes to get the lead early. Victor asks ty why Kit isn't here helping if she's concerned but he explains it's complicated. He watches her practice and runs over when she gets thrown off. Mindy overhears and is convinced that they like each other. Amy starts complaining that Ty's spending more time with Merlin, she suggests that he start getting him used to a halter but Ty doesn't want to as he's only a baby. They get in Ty's Truck to leave and are greeted by Wade arriving claiming it's a "family reunion. He introduces himself to her and she sits with them to have some ice cream. He assures her there's nothing to tell and asks about Caleb. (Catch and Release), Ty watches Kit practice after getting his job back at the track. Ty supports her decision fully, though is sad for the months they will spend apart. Oscar had no interest in going on trail rides especially those that had trees. Amy takes him to the spirit wheel and as he tries to tell her that he wants more that he doesn't want them to be friends, Amy cuts him off telling him that something with her has changed and she knows that no matter what they'll be ok. (Full Circle) Ty tells Jack about some bad snowfall nearby, he tells him that the wild horses are starving up near the Fishing Cabin, Amy overhears and insists on going. Ty is determined to go over but Amy stops him after the showdown with the ranchers. He gifts her with a promise ring and they dance happily in the back of the truck. (Coming Home) Ty's having a hard day at work, not finding enough time to do everything alone. The next morning, Ty sees Mindy coming out of the outhouse. He starts off by not liking Ty too much or trusting him too much. After Ty's mum, Lily, shows up it's clear that Jack sees Ty as a part of the family and tries his best to help and support him. Placing a light kiss on Ty's forehead she cranked the heat and let her head rest on his, closing her eyes. After dinner, Kerry-Anne follows Amy to the barn to wind her up and tell her Ty will never stick around. She admits that she was happy to bump into him since he didn't call her after the rodeo. (Taking Chances), Ty joins Ashley at Maggie's and sees the new commercial for Briar Ridge. This brings them back together. Ty and Amy continue to argue about how to treat Merlin and Amy's not happy that he's being to soft on him causing him to start to act out and walks off. Ty finds Badger smoking by the barn and tells him to stop, when he flicks the butt at him Ty grabs him up against the door Amy has to break them up. He starts to panic realizing that he has pesticide poisoning, he goes through Amy's mother's journals and finds what they need to do. Jack offers to throw Brad out if he wants, he declines stating it's something he needs to do. Jack convinces him that if he came to see him he should help him. Amy stepped out of her truck into the brisk air and made her way to the trailer, slightly confused. The lights come back on and Mr. Hanley finds out what's been going on. Caleb stays in the limo with Amy, forgetting his own wedding with Cassandra. Ty later finds Amy reading her mum's journals, he tells her things are better with Lily but still weird. I smile and rub my stomach. (Corporate Cowgirls) Ty goes with Amy to exercise Pegasus and Spartan, she asks him about Kit and he tells her that she is a friend of Caleb's. She shook her head, smiling. Brad tells him that if he'd have known he wouldn't have left Calgary. As they take Merlin into the barn, Scott tells Ty about a job opportunity at the racetrack as a part-time stable hand five times a week in the morning, he considers. Jack's old truck rumbled to a halt beside Ty's trailer, crunching the cold gravel under its tires. He goes back to work at Heartland when Amy convinces him to come back. The next morning, he's loading his truck when Jack tells him to get to work. Mallory tells him, that from reading the parenting book, he needs to have time away so that his relationship doesn't suffer, causing him to change his mind and heads out with Amy. After Ty helps Amy get Spartan back he confesses that he'd do anything for her. Ty makes him a tourniquet before trying to salvage any supplies from the plane. Scott pressed, "I can handle things here just fine on my own. In the Heartland barn, Amy was saddling up Spartan, her beautiful dark horse. He asks her if she has any history on him and tells him Money used to be a chuck wagon horse. She has to explain to him that kids also need boundaries. - A year after Ty and Amy are married they face an unthinkable tragedy. Ty and Amy finally kiss after the Fall Finale but Ty soon leaves, without talking to Amy, to find his dad. Scott tries to put him at ease with the idea of frosh, but reminds him he'll also need a clear head for his first sheep brain dissection. When the Hanley's took over they re-built the barn on the exact spot the old one stood, and it's now haunted by the stable hand, he wears a long black coat and when his hood is removed his face is burned off. Later, Ty and Amy talk and he feels bad for yelling at his mum, he tries to convince himself to give her another chance but Amy tells him all she can see is someone who caused him a lot of pain. Ty prepares to go into town for supplies and Brad jumps into his truck adamant about going with him. Ty runs up to her after glad she's ok, Scott calls for his help with horses in the trailers. He tries to help but Amy gives him the cold shoulder. Kit arrives and he calls her over, seeing that she and Ty know each other. He convinces Jack to go with him to see it as the can both fix it up together. When Amy has a dream that helps give her an idea of how to help Spartan she enlists Ty's help. Mallory arrives the next morning in shock, she asks if they know how it happened and Ty leads her into the barn. Even sleep was beginning to become rather elusive, mostly due to her inability to calm down enough for it. When he gets back Amy finally talks to him and asks why he never called while he was away, he can't give a reason and she walks away. They're interrupted by Caleb and they vow to get him to move out, Amy suggesting setting him up with Ashley. He later talks to Amy about the formal and asks if she wants to go with him, she agrees.

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