Stacey D, Higuchi K, Menard P: Integrating patient decision support in an undergraduate nursing curriculum: an implementation project. All undertook the first phase of identifying the problem. Knowledge-to-Action Model (Adapted from I.D. Graham, J. Logan, M.B Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks. It may also be a reflection of the challenges for defining and reporting outcomes for knowledge translation projects. 2009, 33: 82-88. Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh. In the COM-B model behavior is a result of an interaction between three components, which includes: Capability, which can be psychological (knowledge) or physical (skills); Opportunity can be social (societal influences) or physical (environment); motivation can be automatic (emotion) or reflective (beliefs, intentions) [ 16, 17 ]. Steps involved in Translating the Evidence into Practice: The Knowledge to Action (KTA) Framework is used for facilitating the use of research knowledge by several stakeholders, such as practitioners, policymakers, patients and the public. 2008, 3: 1-10.1186/1748-5908-3-1. A prospective design would strengthen research studies. Damschroder LJ, Aron DC, Keith , Rosalind E, Kirsh SR, Alexander JA, Lowery JC: Fostering implementation of health services research findings into practice: a consolidated framework for advancing implementation science. Using the Knowledge to Action Framework in practice: a citation Grimshaw JM, Eccles MP, Lavis JN, Hill SJ, Squires JE: Knowledge translation of research findings. For an overview of other determinant frameworks that are useful in this phase, see the determinant frameworks section of Nilsens paper [7]. A citation search of three databases tracking the source paper Lost in knowledge translation: time for a map? identified 1,787 records between 2006 and July 2013. II is an occupational therapist. Inevitably, decisions about including or excluding studies were reliant on subjective judgements about whether the KTA Framework had been reported in an integrated way, or not. We acknowledge that faced with the same task, another review team might choose to include papers reporting a single knowledge translation strategy. The Knowledge to Action (KTA) Framework was developed in Canada by Graham and colleagues in the 2000s, following a review of 31 planned action theories. It was cited 470 unique times across all databases. 2010, Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, UK. It was cited 470 unique times across the three databases, indicating the bibliometric impact of the source paper. 2013, 19: 915-24. Any differences were discussed and resolved by consensus. Non-stop action: The best choice for iCaf, configure-to-order gaming systems and quality-driven businesses; Non-stop durability: . Knowledge syntheses take the form of studies that fall into the categories of systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and meta-analyses, just to name a few. The target audience included the public and patients, the families of older adults, health professionals, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and educationalists/academics within universities. The issues around the keywords knowledge and actionwhich constitute the title of a book by Frey, Mandl, and von Rosenstiel ()are captured by the following four main aspects, which generate corresponding questions.. 1. However, adaptation of guidelines also runs the risk of deviating from the original evidence base to address this, a systematic approach to guideline adoption has been developed by a Canadian collaboration called ADAPTE [4]. 2007, 14: 936-941. Our study had several limitations. In practice, the implications of this decision were minimal as many Google Scholar records either duplicated full bibliographic records already identified from Web of Science or Scopus or contained at least sufficient detail in the title or in the limited text displayed (text fragment), to indicate whether the paper merited further consideration. We initially included 146 studies that reported using the KTA Framework. CIHR also provides a practical guide to designing a KT intervention for health researchers, with relevant examples of its application. J Public Health Dent. research findings not being translated. 2011, 71 (Suppl 1): S20-S33. Below are the links to the authors original submitted files for images. This review sought to answer two questions: Is the KTA Framework used in practice? No existing systematic review was found on this subject. Only ten studies were integrated, signifying that the KTA Framework was integral to the design, delivery and evaluation of the implementation activities. Med Care Res Rev. They reviewed 31 planned action theories about the process of change. Using the Knowledge to Action Framework to Describe a Nation - LWW We focus on all things knowledge translation (KT) and patient engagement (PE), from a health research and healthcare perspective. Edited by: Straus S, Tetroe J, Graham I. Implementation Sci 9, 172 (2014). (2013), "The effectiveness of knowledge translation strategies used in public health: a systematic review" (2012), "Uncovering Tacit Knowledge: A Pilot Study to Broaden the Concept of Knowledge in Knowledge Translation" (2011), "Assessing the public health impact of health promotion initiatives" (2010), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) - Translating Research into Practice, Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) - Knowledge Translation & Commercialization, Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Reseach (KTDRR) - KT Library, Cochrane Public Health Group - Knowledge Translation, McMaster University - Collaborations for Health (CfH) - Knowledge Translation, National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools - Knowledge Translation Methods and Tools for Public Health, University of Alberta - Knowledge Utilization Studies Program, Develop a PLAN - determine key stakeholders, expertise & support, Measure/collect data - baseline, process, outcomes, expenses, Implement - DO - pilot roll-out, educate, support, navigate, Manage & Adjust - ACT - Adapt, Adopt or Abandon based on evidence, Sustain & Grow - Share the results, get feedback, embed in standards or policies, spread more broadly. Translating Knowledge into Action to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: Medicare Wensing M, Bosch M, Grol R: Selecting, tailoring, and implementing knowledge translation interventions. Estabrooks CA, Teare GF, Norton PG: Should we feed back research results in the midst of a study?. Graham et al. Booth A, Harris J, Croot E, Springett J, Campbell F, Wilkins E: Towards a methodology for cluster searching to provide conceptual and contextual richness for systematic reviews of complex interventions: case study (CLUSTER). Each study applied the framework in an idiosyncratic way. Knowledge Translation in Health Care: Moving from Evidence to Practice. 2002, 16: 38-43. 2013, 23 (4): 290-298. When the framework was integral to knowledge translation, it guided action in idiosyncratic ways and there was theory fidelity. One of the things that makes the KTA unique is that it begins with research evidence, the need to synthesize and translate that evidence - these are represented by the funnel in the middle of the cycle. Knowing your audience and assessing the value, usefulness and appropriateness of the particular knowledge is critical to its uptake and sustained use. Google Scholar references often included an incomplete text fragment rather than a more traditional abstract. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. the secondary menu, the site search form or go Our findings support this proposal. The framework has two components: Knowledge Creation and an Action Cycle, each of which comprises multiple phases. Difficulties applying the exclusion criteria were discussed to ensure the inclusion/exclusion criteria were applied consistently. Citation searching was further indicated in this review given that our scoping search, using the databases MEDLINE and CINAHL, had previously identified few abstracts reporting explicitly the use of the KTA Framework in practice. 2014, 9: 2-10.1186/1748-5908-9-2. Acad Emerg Med. 10.1016/j.cjca.2012.03.011. Implementing research findings into practice - LWW Guide to Evidence Based Practice and Knowledge Translation for Public Health Nursing. BF is a researcher at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, and also an occupational therapist. A few free articles for further reading Chicago, 10.1111/j.1752-7325.2011.00223.x. Prevailing wisdom encourages the use of theories, models and conceptual frameworks, yet their application is less evident in practice. Once an understanding of the potential barriers and facilitators to adoption has been achieved, the next phase involves planning and carrying out interventions to bring about the intended change. Monitoring the use of knowledge is critical in understanding how and to what extent the KT strategy has had an impact on outcomes (the next phase in the action cycle). Implement Sci. 2007, 87: 1728-38. The result set was reduced to 1,057 records following removal of duplicate and non-English language records. The Knowledge to Action (KTA) framework is an effective approach in the implementation science literature to methodically guide the translation of evidence-based research findings into practice, putting knowledge into practical use. 2010, 33: 259-263. Developed by Ian Graham and colleagues [1], the KTA Framework is based on the commonalities of over 30 planned-action theories (which make up the action cycle) with the addition of a knowledge creation component. The KTA Framework was enacted in a variety of ways, from informing to full integration, showing flexibility of use and that it can fit local circumstances and need. Keyser SE: The Implementation of a Delirium Knowledge Translation Project for Families of the Elderly. Retrieved from Only studies applying the framework to implementation projects were included. PubMed More About Knowledge Translation at CIHRCIHR. Selecting an intervention has been described as both an art and a science, and ideally should be based on evidence of its effectiveness [2]. 2009, 41: 1024-1032. Conceptual frameworks provide a frame of reference for organising thinking, a guide for action and interpretation. The one-hour conversation between Dr. Marianne Farkas of Boston University's Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Dr. Ian Graham was presented in . However, none of these knowledge translation strategies, designed to target different barriers, featured in the included studies, with one exception. Straus S, Tetroe J, Graham ID: Knowledge Translation in Health Care. Petzold A, Korner-Bitensky N, Menon A: Using the knowledge to action process model to incite clinical change. For example, if a strategy has the goal of improving social networking, and the barrier is weak ties between end-users, the social support theory [8] may be used to design an intervention that involves the use of change agents to transfer information [2]. PO Box 1649, Peoria, Molfenter S, Ammoury A, Yeates E, Steele C: Decreasing the knowledge to action gap through research-clinical partnerships in speech-language pathology. Knowledge to action framework for home health monitoring 10.7748/ns2002. The KTA process has two components: Knowledge Creation and Action. Celebrate the work you have accomplished. 2012, 7: 87-10.1186/1748-5908-7-87. Knowledge translation has been defined as a process that includes synthesis, dissemination, exchange and ethically sound application of knowledge to improvehealthprovide more effective health services and products and strengthen the health care system [2]. It is frequently cited, with usage ranging from simple attribution via a reference, through informing planning, to making an intellectual contribution. Claude KM, Juvenal KL, Hawkes M: Applying a knowledge-to-action framework for primary prevention of spina bifida in tropical Africa. IL 2014, 348: g1687-10.1136/bmj.g1687. Understanding the barriers to knowledge uptake and implementation strategies, as well as facilitators of change, are critical to effective knowledge translation activities. Methods McLean R, Tucker J: Evaluation of CIHRs Knowledge Translation Funding ProgramCIHR.[]. Terms and Conditions, PubMed The action cycle includes a range of activities needed for knowledge implementation. Copyright 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company The Knowledge to Action (KTA) Framework is used for facilitating the use of research knowledge by several stakeholders, such as practitioners, policymakers, patients and the public. Assessment of barriers can be done quantitatively and qualitatively using a variety of conceptual models and instruments. Guideline adaptation: an approach to enhance efficiency in guideline development and improve utilisation, Validation of the theoretical domains framework for use in behaviour change and implementation research, Theoretical domains framework to assess barriers to change for planning health care quality interventions: a systematic literature review. "The KT Library is designed to provide information to NIDRR grantees and interested members of the public about a wide spectrum of knowledge translation and evidence-based resources.". 10.1016/j.amepre.2012.05.024. the content of this page, The full text of the 146 papers was examined to establish the extent to which the use of the KTA Framework was attributed by the authors. 2nd ed. BMC Med Res Methodol. CDC Knowledge to Action Framework [PDF - 33 KB] An Organizing Framework for Translation in Public Health: The Knowledge to Action Framework Applying the Knowledge to Action (K2A) Framework: Questions to Guide Planning Tool [PDF - 3.57 MB] Glossary of Terms [DOC -17 KB] Page last reviewed: April 28, 2021 Implement Sci. This is noteworthy given Canadian research may be published in French language journals. Neither did we seek out grey literature or search specific thesis/dissertation databases. For Web of Science and Scopus citations, full abstracts were identified. The quality of reporting was assessed using criteria adapted from Carroll and colleagues [16]. The Action Cycle outlines a process, representing the activities needed for knowledge to be applied in practice; knowledge is adapted to the local context, and barriers and facilitators to its use are explicitly assessed. It may be useful for them to consider the extent to which they wish to follow or be guided by a conceptual framework before embarking on a knowledge translation project, especially regarding outcome measures because .the focus of knowledge into action is ultimately to enhance health status [1 p. 18]. However, citation figures do not reflect how this conceptual framework has actually been applied in practice. However, the method is replicable and could be repeated to update the review in future. We recommend using the latest version of IE11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox or The knowledge to action cycle begins with the identification of a problem (usually a gap in care provision). Most studies (8/10) were conducted in Canada where the KTA Framework originated. Given the incomplete abstracts obtained via Google Scholar, a rule-out strategy was employed. 2013, 13: 118-10.1186/1471-2288-13-118. Davidoff F, Batalden P, Stevens D, Ogrinc G, Mooney SE: Publication guidelines for quality improvement studies in health care: evolution of the SQUIRE project. PRISMA flow diagram of citation analysis and systematic literature review. Graham I, Logan J, Harrison M, Straus S, Tetroe J, Caswell W, Robinson N: Lost in knowledge translation: time for a map?. We developed a taxonomy to categorise this variation (see Table 1). 2013, 69: 194-204. Four of the ten studies [17],[19],[21],[23] reported gaining ethical approval, suggesting that these had been independently characterised as research. Part of The KTA Framework [1] was developed in Canada by Graham and colleagues in the 2000s in response to the confusing multiplicity of terms used to describe the process of moving knowledge into action [1]. A notable feature of the KTA Framework is the development of knowledge tools or products as part of Knowledge Creation. Addressing sustainability also involves planning for both the spread and scaling up of knowledge use, and concerns whether an innovation continues to be used beyond the initial implementation. Field, B., Booth, A., Ilott, I. et al. Evidence-Based Decision Making 5: Knowledge Translation and the -[]. We further identified a need to use taxonomies when analysing or evaluating knowledge translation strategies [33],[34]. Knowledge translation strategies can include elements such as linkage and exchange, audit and feedback, informatics and patient-mediated and organisational interventions [29]. Estabrooks and colleagues [28] comment that the Canadian research funding organisation had adopted the KTA Framework to guide knowledge translation, deploying specific grant mechanisms to ensure involvement of knowledge users with researchers throughout the research process (p. 2). It is one of the most frequently cited conceptual frameworks for knowledge translation. Springer Nature. Evaluating outcomes is an area of KT that requires more attention and involves evaluating whether application of the knowledge is actually impacting the desired outcome be it patient or practitioner behaviour, health outcomes, or system-level changes. Seventeen studies (12%) were noted as adapted or combined where the KTA Framework had either been modified or blended with another conceptual framework. Implement Sci. efforts. knowledge to action gap through research-clinical partnerships in speech-language pathology. From Graham I, Logan J, Harrison M, Strauss S, Tetroe J, Caswell W, Robinson N: Lost in knowledge translation: time for a map? The monitoring, outcomes or sustaining phases of the Action Cycle were less often described, although three noted their plans for doing so [18],[24],[26]. Adapted from Graham 2006 ( by Crockett 2017 ( Five studies applied one or more phases [18],[20],[22],[24],[26]. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University.

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