Ask for a marriage license. but she just left me at last and now she is marrying some one Is nikkah possible on message without witnesses ???????????? still I will ask that if a nikah conducted by an immam, with maher and two witnesses from a girl and a boy side and their parents dont know about it. . To learn more about the Nikah tradition and how to incorporate it into your own modern-day celebration, we spoke with Imam Steve Mustafa Elturk, president of the Islamic Organization of North America (IONA) in Warren, Michigan, on the fundamentals to know. If you are getting married in another location, the ceremony can take place between 9:00 am and 10:00 pm on the day of your choice and as agreed to with your officiant . Additionally, you may want to consider a wedding venue right beside the mosque, providing easy access to prayer during prayer time, and privacy while youre enjoying your happy moment. Naila Amin at 15; she was a child bride at 13 in Pakistan. But if v r engaged n v r gng to get married in 3 yrs n der ia lot of physical relation between us so just to not do jinaah cant v do nikaah secretly if i hv witnesses n if my brother knows about it. can anyone advise as i really require help with my problem. valid?ccccc plzzz helllp soon.. zoya, see the answers already given, please. 4. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Who is the guardian for marriage if there is no father? You can see the all available slots for ISNA Canada and process your booking online here. If you meet the conditions of a valid marriage (stated below) on the basis that you will delay the registration and documentation until you go back to your country or until it becomes easier for you to go to an Islamic center, then there is nothing wrong with that. Living in Islamic country with Islamic culture. Please dont consider a secret marriage as its not valid. 1. jeni, if you want a proper nikah then get your parents involved and do it properly. The dowry should be discussed and agreed upon by both parties before the Nikah ceremony to avoid dispute and misunderstandings. Plz plz advice me is our nikkah is valid ? mala, what you are describing (two people pledging to each other with no wali or witnesses) is not nikah. But hiding things from your families might give you what you want in the short run, but in the long run you'll put yourself in a very ugly situation that may lead you to regret ever meeting one another. salih, you are mistaken. And Islam does not allow secret marriages. My parents do not know. 1. ans as soon as possible you should disclose relation in the front of people. What else is patience for? This whole scenario does not take account of parents rights. Women don't! Youre getting married, congratulations! We are not scholars or muftis. The age difference between you is too extreme. A Mahram is required from the girl's side. Salaheddin Islamic Centre offers Marriage (Nikah) Services. For more information on how to obtain a marriage license please visit:, COVID UPDATE (as of July 17): Marrying matrons and older women,and from amongst widows, is something that should be encouraged more and more in our society. How can you make a haraam situation halaal by doing something haraam? because Nikah is actually a bond and promise between two people, not between the witnesses. BCz he Is it ok to be physically close to my bf as we are in a relationship frm 3 yrs bt as v r very close physically n our marriage is yet to b done aftr 3 yrs(aftr my graduation) is it ok if v do nikaah secretly(as i dun wanna have any more jinaah) v have witness too. Before you contact the Masjid or Imam for marriage/nikah, please follow the procedures below. fahim, you are married as you seem to have met the Islamic requirements. most men divorce after they get bored with their wives. The Marriage Certificate Application obtained with the Marriage License must be brought to the Imam couple days in advance of the Nikah day. AOA ! There's no secret marriage, when you marry a girl or she did to you , it has to be admitted in public. OTHERWISE, IF THE girl NEVER BEEN MARRIED , THEN NEED PERMISSION FROM HER GUARDIAN, I.E. Sometimes it makes me sad that some parents don't understand that without nikha boy and girl can commit something which may sees as sin because they are not husbabd and wife. I'm sorry but the rules do not change from person to person, unless you do not have a wali (father/guardian figure) and you have such unique circumstances then seek the help of a local imam. I have done nikah with my boyfriend without parents permission. 3) Witnesses. Either or groom or bride may apply as long as the . I need some urgent help from an aalim or a mufti. she trying to change as Islamic lady Can I do nikah with my boyfriend without witnesses If you have asked several Imams already then asking us is superfluous. If the Nikah will be held at the mosque, get a time and date confirmed with the imam and invite your family and friends. And if in Your knowledge it isbad for me and for my religion, my livelihood and my affairs and for me both in this world and the next, then turn me away from it, and turn it away from me, and ordain for me the good wherever it may be and make me pleased with it.). And two witnesses are necessary for the Nikah. as if we are married then she cant marry any other person help please. However, if the Nikah was done at home without an Imam and a marriage license than the marriage was just performed for traditional reasons as an engagement. Missh, I would tell you to log in and write your question as a separate post, but I can tell you right now that we cannot answer your question. My suggestion is that if you have a doubt about the validity of your nikah, then do a new, proper one. we have engagement some 1 and half year. Instead, you need to immediately have a correct nikah, with your family involved. pinkpink, we are currently publishing posts from mid July, so we will get to yours in turn Insha'Allah. Assalamu Alaikum Marriage Licences. The Wali is the father of the bride who gives away his daughter. I Completely agree, Parents will always think best for their children, Sabr (Patience) is key and to be patient you are pleasing god as your relying on him of regardless effort convincing 2nd party, Inshallah god will help you through these hard times as he has done every time, Be patient and keep faith in god. What actually is meant by secret? Maya Brown is an associate social newsgathering reporter for NBC News. : These are the ICC hall rental fees, and do not include the Imam fees. Is mamlay me unkay against jana b gunah ni. For the recital of Nikah the declaration shall suffice, it is not compulsory to have witnesses present. is it a valid nikah No a girl needs permission from her wali and the wali has to be present. But just to be on the safe side, Do it again, NO HARM NO FOUL . Do I have to have a dowry?/Do I have to give a dowry? Quite a lot of sisters who have reverted to Islam find that they need to have an imam act as their wali until they are married. Need to wake up. Couple. "how can you get into a halal relationship (Nikah) when its initiation has been a haram one?". Mala: Cant this type if ikah made prblm for the real one. We tried to convince our parents for Nikah, but all those society things came between. So start regretting and repenting. We all talk of following Quran and sunnah, yet from all the comments I have seen, not a single person has said the correct thing or used hikmah to answer the question in the way it should. You have power, I have none. One of you has answered this but it seems like people have ignored the answer. Nothing is perfect in this life, and sometimes were faced with issues at home that we cannot resolve without help from people of wisdom. Secondly, NO you cannot do nikah without telling her parents. I understand how hard your struggling with your nafs, how hard it must be to control yourself and not commit any sins. His parents wont accept me because I am not Muslim. There should be a wali involved. Since you mentioned that you made love too, SO under islamic rule, you have commited fornications and thats a major sin. If Imam Shafi'i, then wali is needed along with two witnesses. We bothe are single. Trust me I'm a guy I know for sure and all guys will totally understand what I mean. 4.But There wasn.t any imam. No dresses, no 3 day party extravaganza, no over the top sets of gold, no gifts for family members and none of the hoopla normally associated with weddings in my husband's culture or mine here in the west. She is currently working on a federal bill to have U.S. Wedding or civil union | Commission des normes de l'quit de la sant PERIOD. The question is that,can I do nikah without telling our parents.. No need for Wakil, or masjid imam. [Editor's note: Please submit your question, in English if possible, as a separate post for publication rather than as a comment. Needless to say, older women should not be shy to marry men younger than they are. If a person does not make his nikah himself, but asks someone to perform his nikah with someone, or, he mentions the name of the person with whom he wishes his nikah to be performed and this person performs this nikah in the presence of two witnesses - the nikah will be valid. You woke. Please note the Imam will not perform any Nikah without a valid marriage license which must be present at the time of the Nikah ceremony . All Rights Reserved.Privacy Policy | Complaints Policy, All booking time slots are now limited to. Views : 3. Again, make nikah rather than being in a relationship out of nikah. They are not agree now because I am just 21. Please be sure to acquire the Marriage License form the city hall of the municipality you reside in. Another thing to remember? Can I get married without a license? - Quora If even one of them is missing your marriage is void/null/invalid. Unfortunately, they neglected to get a marriage license and did not register the marriage in Ontario. Unbelievable! FollowNBC Asian AmericaonFacebook,TwitterandInstagram. It is easy for a guy to do a "secret" nikah with you and leave you after using your body - sorry, I am telling you like it is. RL-5 and T5007 for the 2022 taxation year If you are registered with Mon Espace CNESST, you can consult your RL-5 and T5007 tax slips in your file as of February 1, 2023. i apologise for having mixed my own story in here when i should have answered her question but i am in a similar situation and felt the need to talk. my gf accpet islam she is divorce hindu guy some time ago she will maary me and your father hindu wali without permission valid nikah can i do without withness nikah pls guide me easy maarage. We have very clear and legal engagement with a public status. A boy doesn't need a wali to get married because he doesn't need anyone's permission. I for one always heard and thought that consent of both parties is the most important rule.

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