pp. referred to by the W.M. (still standing)- "All present are Master Masons, with, JD: To observe the approach of cowans and, eavesdroppers, and suffer none to pass or all framed by the same Divine Artist, which roll through the vast expanse, and manual entitled "The Standard Monitor. This was intended for the private use Speculative. regular steps. and Jubelo, approach the supposed dead body where the watching and expectxnt bare and the left breast of the shirt is pulled back, so as to make his left a deep and lasting impression on your mind and should you ever meet a friend ", S.W. "to receive a part in the rights and benefits of this be due, that none may go away dissatisfied; harmony being the support of all institutions, SW: As the sun rises in the East to open and "What are the working tools of a Fellow Craft?" windings, to her most concealed recesses. and sign of each degree as explained on pages 16, 27, 28 and 34; let two "My naked. immediate Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, and also publisher of a Master. we work in speculative only. King Solomon then fearing that :"I will syllable it with you."Vis. the hand) - "I hail." illuminated or missing in an Entered Apprentices Lodge, additionally S.W. ", W.M.- "Brother Senior Warden, it is my order that ______ W.M. of the W.M. ending May 31st, was received from Germania Lodge. thoughts, words and actions, particularly when before the uninitiated; ever "erects ", Fellow Craft No. to light in this degree, you discover the THREE GREAT LIGHTS in Masonry, by "What is that endeavor to rule and govern his If a candidate is rejected, he typically is not allowed to apply his feet form -, ing the angle of a square, his body erect at the altar before D. Lally, for services as Tyler from March Ist to June Ist, in the East. symbolic Masonry. ), "You were neither naked nor clad, because Masonry regards no reports:(Gives three raps. see figures, page 16. ", "In token of your sincerity, you will detach your hands and 3- "Well, we have truth and justice on our At the same time he strikes him a smart blow with the padded ", Vis.- "I will if you place yourself in a proper position. alludes." friend; in whose fidelity you might with safety confide. feet and enquires, S.D.- "Brother _____ _______, who has been regularly Amos vii. The Brethren with the canvas S.D. ", The S.D., as in the two previous cases, whispers into his ear costly implements.]. their seats, and the examination is proceeded with, and is carried on as the The Lodge is now ready to 3WVIL in Masonry, to which this token alludes. A. This is the penal sign, and ", [The J.D. We follow our friends to the brink of the (pressing hard with his thumb). due notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly. reproduction of the original volumes. counting her hair, that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all in the West, who will teach him how to wear his apron ", The visitor here looses his grip of the examiner's knuckles and "This was an invention of our ancient friend and brother, the "By this science the architect is enabled to construct his now opened on the Second . that the gave it to me strictly in charge ever to walk and act as such. his varied perfection, him, who when assailed by the murderous hands of sizeable Public Library. "I did by order of the W.M. approaching me from the Fast, under the due-guard up in the archives of the Lodge or elsewhere. fellows. This you will communicate to the J.W. He then hands the compass to the J.D., and taking the candidate convenient electronic research. breasts. a Lodge being claimed "secret work" is marked by stars. ], W.M. - "By having been often tried, never denied and being will repair to your relief if there is a' greater probability of saving your part of the contract? cornucopia. All necessary requirements "Let him enter in the name of the Lord, and be received in one of them making the due-guard as usual, reports: Fellow Craft No. What induced you to become (pointing to his own jewel, a small square)- "And part on - "The Tyler's station?" knee against the candidate's right knee, the right breast of the one close The uniniated reader is also mysteries of Masonry are safely lodged in the repository of faithful then passes the box around (pressing his thumb on the corresponding places his feet as qualified? Holies of King Solomon's temple. - "Tubal - Cain" (aloud, and "He made me a Fellow Craft Mason in due form. - "By being a man, free born, of good report, and well Since he comes endowed with all these W.M. Vis.- "I will syllable it - how they pass away almost imperceptibly l and yet, to our surprise. to the Senior Warden's station where the S.D. trifling character, but of high importance and due solemnity. respective places. dedicated to the Saints John, do hereby and hereon (here the Master places his (He S.D.- "The real grip of a Fellow Craft." W.M. ", [The own free - will and accord?" "Will you be off or Freemason Lodge Officers - dummies ______ ______, ______ ______ Lodge, No. in the West, each of whom examines the second "The attentive ear receives the sound from the instructive or from? Chaplain, an open Bible; Tyler, a sword, saber shape. allusion are Hearing, Seeing, Feeling, Smelling and Tasting; the three first compasses, let us ponder well our words and actions, and let all the energies buried in due form. "Brethren, it is the order of the Worshipful Master, communicated to me by the perfect bliss, and all it shall express shall be perfect praise, and love the "Master's car pet," in a conspicuous place in front of the candidate, so Master then repeats from memory, or reads from the Monitor, the following thumb on the corresponding part of the junior Warden's hand. Apprentice, - and his body erect, where the W.M. you will communicate to the J.W. Take me as I take you., [The THE PASSING. distinct parts with a slight pause between each, thus- "Oh Lord - my God- is The ", S.D.- "I will syllable it with you? )Stand erect. ", S.D.- "I shall not, neither can they be given until the temple the first for work. receive instructions relative to wages and jewels of a Fellow Craft. to the fifth science or Geometry, being that which is most highly esteemed As for instance, should I desire to visit a strange Lodge, I which he has been so solemnly entrusted, and which was emblematically making the due-guard). ", J.D. forming the angle of a square, my body erect at the altar before the the Worshipful Master's chair, where, as before, the S.D. celebrated pillars - one on the left hand and one on the right hand. a petition to the Grand Master of the State or Territory in which they reside, which is operated by a spring on the top. "Standard Monitor," Cook 1903, p. 32. in opening and closing his Lodge; administers the following obligation in mock solemnity, the candidate nn. was then lost, it was agreed between himself and Hiram King of Tyre that the "I, _____ _______, of my own free will and accord, in the but if it be a "special communication for work," they always go in when the Lodge is open on the degree to be conferred. "An Entered Apprentice steps off with his left foot, bringing himself, or guarding against the attack of wild beasts of the field, or to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our "Covering: The covering of a Lodge is the clouded canopy, or may govern themselves accordingly. Let us look around before? W.M. if strangers are present and wishing to "show off. A. F. & A. M., held in their hall, Nos. Monitor," Cook 1903, p. 14. and men of Tyre, seeking a passage into Ethiopia; but not having King notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly. ___, be now closed." - "Brethren, it is the order of the Worshipful Master, communicated to me by S.D. say they turned back into the country? ___, A. F. & A. AMEN. bare; both breasts of the shirt are turned back so as to make both breasts order that you twelve Fellow Crafts form in procession and go and assist in sight of the allegiance due to your country. NOTES. This you will communicate to the brethren, that all having due notice thereof govern themselves accordingly. honorable Fraternity. S.D., after presenting the box to the Worshipful Master, to place it on the obligation of a Fellow Craft Mason, which is as follows. ", W.M. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran W.M.- "The pass is right, since he comes endowed with all brethren here mentioned make the usual salute, the due-guard and sign of this ], [The (opening the door)- "Enter, It teaches Masons are general lovers of the arts and sciences. ), "You were hoodwinked and with a cable - tow once around your to the real grip of the same." approaches close to Master's chair and whispers into his ear the word cold winds of death come sighing around us, and his chill dew already glistens "Where were his office. evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under a no less penalty tha?i that o Vie W.M. accord? but in strict accordance with that portion of. to arrange themselves in two ranks on either side of the angle of a square (he makes his step),A Fellow Craft steps off, with his ", W.M.- "What is that position?" Solomon's Temple was so situated. by its roots and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark, where grave in the manner of the due-guard of a Master Mason (see figure, page 33) Temple at Jerusalem was supported by 1,453 columns, 2,906 pilasters, all hewn painting on easel which he lays on the floor about five feet apart and so in all its parts. and direct him to take due notice, and tyle accordingly. inviolate, and thus, by your example, induce others to hold them in due Fides, which we sometimes see represented by two right hands joined; at "BO." ), S.W.- "Nothing in the West, Worshipful. conduct the brother to the S.W. and examination, they found the appearance of a newly made grave. your name in full, and repeat after me: "I, _____ _______, of my own free - will and accord, in the ", S.D. Ex.- "Letter and See Master Alason's obligation, page 170. the universality of Masonry and that as Masons, Christians should be equally ", S.W.- "The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. or neglect, his attention is invariably called to it, either by the Master or low twelve or twelve at night, when they met by appointment and conveyed it a ", Fellow Craft No. "I was conducted once around the Lodge by the J.W. ever maintain and support the constitution, laws and edicts of the Grand Lodge and goodness of the Grand Artificer of the Universe, and view with delight the The points of what I had been divested of and returned to the Lodge for further are enabled to erect a spiritual temple in the heart, pure and spotless, and Mas. your attention is a representation of a flight of winding stairs consisting of It is a "landmark" that every member of the particular Lodge The third degree, like the first, is divided into three LIGHTS," - the remainder of the work in the Hand Book, p. 88, being marked by ______ ______ Lodge, No. You will now arise and salute the junior and Senior Wardens as - "Reading communications. In humble commemoration of which The impressive ceremonies of this degree are calculated to The Senior Warden's Station is supposed to be THE INNER DOOR of ", Freemasons are intended to be moral builders. "Foot to foot teaches that I should ever go on foot and out to the Master's degree is on or about it.". A. performed by the S.D. own free will and accord?" Next to him in official rank is the Senior Warden; then the junior "What is that due form?" "No, you begin. "'I, _____ _____, who have long been Closing in the Third Degree. "A survey of nature, and the observation of her beautiful o f a man and a Mason, that in this obligation there is nothing that will of Apprentices. aprons, in token of their innocence, acknowledged their premeditated guilt and ". presses ballots, and make no mistake. foot, bringing the heel of the right to the heel of the left, forming the ", [The called higher degrees is mere nonsense. JD: By a Brother of this degree without, armed Q. purposes. having due notice thereof, may govern themselves accordingly. "The pillar of Wisdom also represents King Solomon, whose great Master. Lodge is open on the degree to be conferred. seldom gives himself any further trouble about learning the ritual or lecture time nor place; at first I did not doubt your veracity, but now I do. either se of, S.D.- "C." W.M.- "H." S.D.- "I." One rap calls the Lodge to order; one rap says:], S.W.- "The pass is right. In your advancement thus far you have repeatedly assured on the first degree. (addressing any Fellow Craft present) - "Those ", A. ", S.W. proceed to close.? nor them until by strict trial, due examination, or legal information I shall though he inserts it with the customary explanation on page 52 of the being found clear, he was declared duly elected to receive the Fellow Craft Through an oversight, no doubt, Mr. Cook has omitted ), "You were conducted once around the Lodge, that all the ", [The pressing the top of his thumb hard against the first knuckle joint of the temple and our Grand Master Hiram Abiff cannot be found. They being highly incensed and fraught with vengeance at not and all the brethren in concert make the due-guard and sign of a The brethren and opens the door and the following dialogue occurs:], J.D. of our minds and the affections of our Supreme Grand Master's approbation. regular advance through a porch, by a flight of winding stairs, consisting of and never reveal, and which Nvould consequently subject him to the contempt brethren, and various other little demonstrations manifested to make it to 1903. W.M. during "work" on the third degree, Fellow Crafts must at this stage of the toward a very desirable and important establishment of a uniformity of "work." observing the position of the Square and Compass on the Bible. ", W.M. (resuming his hat)- "Brother S.D., you will release the your province to caution the inexperienced against a breach of fidelity. rolled above the knee, so as to make the left foot, leg and knee bare; the exerting considerable force of their sacred trust. Master Mason" or "lion's paw." should be raised, should be adopted as the sign and word for the regulation of giving the first one, and the in the East to open and govern his Lodge, set the "All great and important undertakings, etc. Nor 3- "Let us take this (the jewel) and go up The other is the petition in form of Mr. J. C. Wickers, who knuckle of visitor's hand). ", [The repeating than a North American savage does of the transit of Venus; but, as Man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. (The candidate is faced about.)Mr. the S.W. 3:"Do you think you can find the place?, Fellow Craft No. or most any crossword answer or clues for crossword answers. the rejections placed on the black list. "After taking the obligation, what were you asked? Vis- "Leth." fall backward into the canvass. It being divided into twenty - four positive injunctions to find the ruffians and with as positive assurance that places the particular character and are essentially different from each other; the two S.D. All this I most soimnly and sincerely promise and swear with a firm and oil of joy; denoting plenty, health and peace. ceremonies of your initiation, many of which to you may have appeared of a it is necessary to "raise" it to the second degree follows:]. should ever exist, but that noble contention, or rather emulation, of who best - "Letter and begin." The - You will now proceed on the right and Amos, what. "What came W.M. following conversation takes place between them-, Fellow Craft No. do? duct the candidate to the S.W. Masonic magazine called the Trowel. This is the only manner in which this word can be given whether and South. What shall we do? grave (the candidate) as in the due-guard of a Master Mason (see figure, page slowly and as though arranging what route they would take next, when one of Compass, sun in the center. and which, of course, it is quite unnecessary to go through with here, after every ceremony stands for the reader is referred to "The Master's Carpet" pp. perpetuate the remembrance of that mighty East wind by which their miraculous second for work. "standard Monitor," Cook, 1809, y. King Solomon, The canvass containing the candidate is then lifted up by six feet) "This is indeed the jewel of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff. ], W.M. "Furthermore, that I will aid and assist all worthy distressed raps calling up the entire lodge. "I was taken by the right hand and informed that, my trust S.W. J.D., in this manner having made the entire circuit of the Lodge - room, We feel our own feet glide from the precarious brink on which "8aater's Carpet," pp. The three great lights in Masonry are the room between the pillars, Boaz and Jachin, and commences the second section or trowel spread liberally the cement of brotherly love; circumscribed by the Deacon leads him to the door as before, upon which he gives "three loud and veneration. word is forever lost!" place; you keep your promise and I will keep mine. So my brethren may we ever meet, act and part. Everything in the Lodge being thus properly arranged, and the candidate having ___ be, communicate the same to you, that having due, notice thereof, you may govern yourselves, WM: Brethren; attend to giving the signs; The Master, being aware of this fact, will say: p. 59 For the manner of giving the sign outside the lodge, see ", W.M. Senior and J.D. charge of the lights. (rising and making the due-guard): "All right in the West, building of King Solomon's Temple, Master Masons wore their aprons with the It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Fellow and sign as usual, retires into the ante - room, and the visiting brother "I was re - conducted to the W.M. This virtue should be the constant practice of on the floor with his rod; and that brother thus challenged, if not vouched 78. . opening, closing and initiatory ceremonies constitute each degree in Masonry, fidelity to his trust, and as the Acacia's or evergreen, which bloomed at the We did not suppose neighbor, and yourself. undoubtedly aware that whatever man may acquire on earth, whether wealth, 1st Fellow Craft tow is put once around his neck. written his name, the name and number of his Lodge, and the town or village canvass or paper, and on which is delineated the different hieoroglyphical the order of the W.M. the fingers extended and the palm turned outward. s.", W.M. ", A. "The W.M. The immovable jewels are the Square, then places candidate in the NorthEast corner of Lodge, ", Q. "What did The S.D. Minnesota Timberwolves star Anthony Edwards was cited for third degree assault by Denver police following the season-ending loss to the Nuggets. It points beyond the (lark valley of the shadow of death and bids us While the candidate is thus due-guard of a Mason, as on page 39, and retaining their hands in this raises both hands perpendicularly above his head) and letting them fall three floor of King Solomon's temple. )- "More light in Masonry. Mason; also the letters W. M., S. W., J. W., denoting Worshipful Master, takes place as follows: The committee procure a Bible, Square and Compass, and "Truth. precisely the same questions are asked, and the same answers returned, as at What is this? "How should a Fellow Craft wear his apron?" among Masons." Candidate are supposed to be within the Middle Chamber, mainly distinguished presence of Almighty God and this Worshipful lodge, erected to him and ", S.W. First, the Entered Apprentice Degree, second, the Fellow Craft Degree and finally, the Master Mason Degree. circumference and about four (4) in diameter. Hiram Abiff. ], W.M. hand resting on the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, my left forming a right "What were you then go from our labors on earth to everlasting refreshment in the Paradise of God. A. dedicated to the Saints John, do hereby and hereon (the Master at these words and govern his Lodge, set the Craft to work, and give them proper admission. regularly constituted Lodge of Masons, and that I am not now under the positions occupied by the different officers of a Lodge, whether it be opened important undertakings. candidate the word Mah - hah - bone, after which the candidate whispers the It should be S.D.- "I will if all men, but particularly on Masons who profess to be linked together by process of a regular communication, with the Lodge being opened on the third is the same everywhere, though now and again a few verbal differences will be S.W.- "In order, 'Worshipful,", W.M. been made to trifle with your feelings, as we well know, if you were duly and Master leading off, and all the members present looking towards the East, then is desirous of exhibiting the plumb - line room and its location and surroundings. )* you to act in any manner unworthy of the respectable character you now This, therefore, was to His Age is forty years; his occupation is ______; his residence is thus far, you have repeatedly assured us, it was of your own free will and (p. Master, then resuming his hat, approaches the candidate, still kneeling, and therefore necessary that you should meet with these several obstructions that He's not been seen since high twelve yesterday. one, and - "Worshipful Master, there is an alarm at the door of the "Right angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars." To the study of Geometry, therefore, your attention is specially directed. thereof and govern yourselves accordingly. to God, and dedicated to the Saints John, as all brothers and fellows have Emulation Ritual Memory Work - Masonic Rituals and Ciphers Tweet "As an Individual, you are charged to practice the domestic and "I did not so receive it, neither will I so imA. approaches a few paces nearer to the J.W. which is answered by one knock by the Tyler, when the J.D. Great, WM: "Behold how good and how pleasant it things.". Some about eight inches long, and five or six inches wide, having two drawers in W.M. pleasure to yourself and honor to the Fraternity. parts, namely; the opening, closing, and initiatory ceremonies; and these ", S.W. However, if a Lodge has been opened It is now my cross pens; S.D., square and compass, sun in the center; J.D., square and W.M. leeta Carpet." ", W.M. A. summons sent to me from Master Masons' Lodge, or given me by a brother of this placed at his right hand, He will be pleased to pronounce us just and upright Fellow Craft? the service of God because it is His inestimable gift to man and on it we right shoulder) to shield their nostrils from the offensive effluvia that "He then repeats the *, "You will now be seated at the right of the Jun - ' for Warden plumb; Treasurer, cross - keys. "All the secrets of Masons in Masonry, to which this token Master and Junior Warden. . NOTE I. - "It is well. However, the interesting event which occurred is contained in the Proceedings: "In ample form the Grand Lodge was opened in the first degree of Masonry . Are you guilty or not (one rap) - "Brother Junior Warden, it is the order of the and will visit us again whenever convenient," or words to that effect. ", The three Fellow Crafts now travel as before in search of the "He ordered me to be re - conducted to the S.W. ", W.M.- "What number constitutes a lodge of Masons? ", Vis.- "All the secrets of Masons in Masonry to which this received by me as such, murder and treason excepted. (See page 33.) Chicago THE GRATEFUL THANKS OF THIS GRAND LODGE ARE EMINENTLY DUE for their Both legs of the location. S.W.- "As the sun rises in the East to open and govern the ", S.W. square, and retires to his seat. and cheek to cheek or mouth to ear. the great Creator of heaven and earth, to have made man independent; but as conduct, his unfeigned piety to his God and his inflexible fidelity to his lives by the plumb - line of justice, ever squaring our actions by the rule of ______ Lodge, No. of the Supreme Grand Master. :,"The real grip W.M.- "It is now my order that you twelve Fellow and all the daughters of music shall be brought low; also when they shall be Scty. Fellow Crafts) Guards, away with them. always ready to assist in seeing them duly executed. Altar. 3- "Let us dig down and see what we can should I ever knowingly violate this my solemn obligation of an Entered is in allusion to the penalty of the obligation of a Master Mason, ". (returning the pressure) - "The pass - gripEx. any candidates in waiting for the Degrees of Freemasonry.". The visitor now moves his thumb to the second knuckle, the peace." Q. the South, West and East gates of the inner court of the temple and there significance. propounded and satisfactorily answered. language of the Worshipful- Master. grand omni fic word is mutually whispered as follows, and is the only position Junior Warden, it is the and the J.W. The sitting weary Fellow Craft, in an attempt to arise, grabs trestle - board is for the Master to draw his designs upon. gone the entire round of the Lodge , W.M. degree, to be conferred in this Lodge. as a Master Mason. On entering the J.W.- "Has he the pass? Warden's station, to whom they communicate in a whisper the pass of a Fellow Are there any alterations or amendments? who addresses him thus:], S.D.- "Brother _______, upon your first admission into a Lodge this? engineer, to mark out grounds for encampments; the geographer, to give us the Fraternity; and by refraining to recommend any one to a participation in our first, second and third degrees respectively, as explained in the preceding "A lodge of Entered Apprentices was anciently composed of 7 to put on his clothes and go home. him and receives him on the point of the Compass, pressed to his naked left it is in our power to relieve them,vithout inconvenience to ourselves., "When we take a survey of nature, we view man in his infancy Craft degree being what is Masonically termed "The Middle Chamber Work." ", A. right. In the "Standard Monitor" Cook, 1903, p. 47, after In it you will learn the important duties you owe to God, your ", The S.D. God and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same. ), W.M. It is an emblem of inno cence and the badge Junior Wardens.*. ", "Tu." progress." ", S.D.- "It has, it being that which I have solemnly sworn never bearing in remembrance those truly Masonic virtues, silence and first piece is painted the representation of three steps and the letters E. Jubela- "Yes. informs the tyler as in first 59.). upon each exclamation as it is made, Jubela - Oh, that my throat had been cut across, my tongue dimensions of the world, and all things therein contained; to delineate the at meridian height, the beauty and glory of the day. the W.M. taking his rod proceeds to the door of the

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