WendyT. Saturn in Libra in your Seventh House is about lifelong restrictions involving partners and limits, obstacles and barriers involving other sorts of duets, like marriages or professional duets. The barriers and obstacles we can see. I muddled up my earlier post, so please disregard. Astrology, Diana, Harry and the Coronation. Your health is in your hands. I try to understand them as much as I can and am just so amazed at how knowledgeable you are. During your Saturn Return in Aquarius, youll grow to understand your role in your family dynamics. This time around, Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus is in Taurus. Saturn Returns are a challenge but not worth worrying about. The desire to heal and purify the world is present, but in a way that is more clinical and detached, and less attuned to the realities of living in the material world. and into a time of some boundaries and structure with Saturn moving into my sign. Happy New Year, what a flurry of articles you have provided! May 21: Sun enters Gemini. Anyway, this time around I hope to be in a stronger position should the religious slings and arrows be flung at LGBT folks, and ways of being, again. The cover of the Chalice Well in Glastonbury shows it. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Its on that level, but the media is also brought in, so this feels like politics to me. The biggest impact in 2023 is the end of the South Node in Scorpio which has kept you in a stuck situation with finance, property, business or charity. Use 12 noon if there is no recorded birth time. There will be more than one by May, so take this, or another. Apollo in Libra is important as he is about combat as well as passion, and your Apollo Return will remind you that 2023-2024 is about balancing the scales. There will be another one soon enough but it might be better for you. It is extremely important that you put your health first, near these dates, if you have factors at Virgo 1, 3, 5, 6 degrees. Remember when we said Saturn is a disciplinarian and Aquarius is a trailblazer? Your answer to the commenter also struck a chord and felt on point. This is very much the housework, paid work, unpaid work or study that requires daily attention, but also your health on every level and how it affects your ability to be of service and do your duty, as in astrology we do not separate the maid of all work from her wellness, or otherwise. Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below; Responsibility, Discipline, Accountability, Contraction, Seriousness, Time, Measure for Measure, Limitation, Wisdom, Father, Ground Breaker, Genius, Scientist, Alternative, Unusual, Intellectual, Curious, Bringer of New Ideas, Freedom Lover. Part of Fortune: Signs, Meaning, Birth Chart. March sees Saturn join Neptune in Pisces in everybodys Twelfth House and this has so much to do with the familys religious beliefs, on both sides, going back generations. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You will make or save quite a lot of money, from May 2023 to May 2024. The idea of being cut off is Saturn, in astrology. This has been a source of difficulty to you in 2021, 2022 but March 2023 sees a great change. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. That can only happen every 19 years. A second job, physical service I officially started on 3/27/2013. I have worked a lot, with therapy, on my self . You will make or save a fair bit of money by May 2023 and relaunch your title, appearance and reputation at the same time, so this suggests a professional or business gain made using your relaunched image, or expenditure on your brand for other reasons. Before looking at your natal chart, though, lets talk about your Sun Virgo prediction. It can be a difference in values with a business partner. Virgo is the nurse but also the patient. All the best. i remember going on a Take Back the Night March with a heavy gay vibe and a musical tone distinct to those younger women. Psyche The previous Saturn transit my life was very different, single with a small child, her Saturn return is now and I do worry about her. i have also ended a 4 year relationship with my partner back in December not sure if this related to this cycle but would be nice if you could give me some insight. In order to track your Saturn return, its important to know the zodiac sign Saturn is in in your birth chart. You may want to clear the decks, as Robert Hand advises, in February so you have less on your plate. You have a stellium there from 2 through 26 degrees of Virgo, in your Sixth House of wellbeing and workload. I wanted to ask about a recent healing modality I have experienced its a bit like cranio-sacral therapy, and I feel like it making sense for me, on a physical healing and intuitive level (Im a psychic medium but havent been working for a little while). May 2023 begins a terrific period of saving money or making it, if you take the chances given to you by May 2024. Appearance. Sowe have remained in superficial contact only. Aquarius Dear Jessica: And sometimes its about going to Church or leaving a religion. Profile. Being single for so many years, how will Saturn in Pisces affect my love life? The king of the jungle. In astrology we predict the future by looking at the past. This is the cycle when Boudicca, also known as Boadicea or Bonduca, led the Iceni to victory over the Romans for a time, anyway. Your help would be greatly appreciated. This begins after 2026 but he will have a preview of the situation by May 2023. What today, even though it was about faith we would call a super-spreader event. If you were born with Saturn in Aquarius, youre a natural trailblazer but you have to be ready to step up. Part of that may be Saturn in Aquarius. Ill talk more about Pluto at a special event on February 5th and 12th 2023 on Zoom, as a guest of The Astrology Collective. You have an excellent opportunity staring you in the face with work, unpaid work or study. I am sure this will help him very much. The man with Saturn in Aquarius is self-obsessed and has high self-esteem too. Astrology cuts through the noise. In Rome it was about the Roman Baths. Saturn was in Pisces 29 years ago, so weve been here before. Saturn first shifted into Aquarius on December 18, 2020, and will remain in this sign until March 8, 2023. Read your free Virgo Tarot Horoscope to make the most of the opportunities headed your way! Your freedom is ring-fenced. Saturn in opposition to Virgo factors is a heavy and prolonged challenge affecting how we work; how we do the housework; how we look after pets; how we volunteer; how we look after our mental and physical health. Yod, North Node in 10 Libra Apollo Since Midheaven also has to do with a fathers legacy, I feel a significant sense of conclusion for the inner work Ive done on that. There will be more unexpected twists and turns along the way, over the long-term, so this is the child you are flexible about and with; around whom you zig-zag when plans need to change. I decided to do a tarot reading for him and got the King of Cups. I will also look at how he is going to function in his new sign of Pisces. It may be for any number of reasons. All of these things will play a major role in how you experience the next 30 years, so be sure to pay close attention to what starts (or ends) in your life now. I suspect this is government intervention on, say, the anonymity of the internet. 28 Gemini 20 The date 17th December was also the first day of Capricorn, back then the signed ruled by Saturn,named for the god (Fowler, Roman Festivals and Beck, Journal of Roman Studies), Saturnalia also celebrated the harvest and sowing, and ran from December 1723. I know I have a stellium in Virgo but the dutiful daughter trope only travels so far with this relationship. This sometimes happens when there are a lot of comments. Dowries. Thank you. This tallies with your natal chart too. Theyd make so many to-do lists! This brings in new restrictions, curbs, barriers and so on. I take 2 steps forward and suddenly Im 10 steps back. Over the next few years you will have the chance to really look at yourself, and the nature of your purpose in life will become much clearer to you, as Saturn will bring you messages from the other side from whence you came. 04 Sagittarius 33 Thank you Jana. So privately this is about your God, religion, Tarot, hypnosis, therapy, your ideas about science (you may have no God), counselling, meditation, mediumship and all the invisible aspects of your inner life. Other common outcomes of Saturn Retrograde in your Seventh House, if you are a Sun Virgo are: your new boyfriends former wife delaying the divorce; your new widower companions children obstructing your relationship and so on. Its always hard to end relationshipsespecially with people youve known forev. Thanks so much always and warmest wishes for 2023!! In the cosmology of classical astrology, the earth is situated at the center of the universe, surrounded by the heavenly realms on all sides. In that way they give themselves what their soul craves. When I had my Saturn return several years later began some of the best years of my life, I got married moved to a country where I was very happy until returning to the USA where it took several years to mentally re-adjust and feel at home. No matter what your relationship status is, this isolating aspect can leave you feeling sad, alone, and unable to connect emotionally. If your marriage is on the rocks, then Saturn will test you on February 14th of those years. The years 2023 and 2024 end the politics with one or more partners, former partners and so on. Work, academic or unpaid work comes second. Dear Jessica, You will feel closure, however this pans out. You have been floating in an uncontrolled space for years here with no boundaries. Thank you. History shows us how themes might repeat in 2023. Saturns reward is The Getting of Wisdom, to quote the book. Neptune in 8 Pisces Thank you. Saturn in Aquarius: Make Career Dreams Reality Im not sure if Saturn in Pisces will be easier, but at least it forms trines and sextiles with my stelliums, so hopefully those aspects will be easier. If you are not already using hypnosis please consider that. ASC 37 One way around the transit is to indeed use the Tarot and ask how the oppositions are showing up, and how best to deal with them, for everybodys sake, but particularly yours. And wanted to ask: how can I use the planets to be stronger financially as well and what time is good for me? Whatever it is, people generally spend the rest of the life cultivating and enjoying this gift. As threshing comes after reaping in farming, we can see how our ideas about Saturn come from centuries of astrologers making connections and observations. I have Aquarius rising and its been a rough year socially and with family illness. Astrology is based on using evidence from what occurred before, to assist you in a good strategy now. Im very interested to hear what you see in the year ahead for me. As an astrologer I would say the larger issue is your self-respect, self-worth and self-protection, which must top work. If you have any factors at Aquarius 24, 27 or 29 in your Eleventh House, then the issue near these dates will be friends and groups. Im in the process of getting retrained to transition in to something different because I feel burned out. He was up at 1:00 AM yesterday and now today as I sit with him here now at 5:00 AM weve been up since 2:00 AM. Saturn in Gemini/Saturn in the 3rd House Gemini is known for a Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. 1991 was the year that Freddie Mercury died from AIDS and Magic Johnson tested HIV positive. It has been his alternative reality. I wish I did! The placement of Saturn in Aquarius is so favourable because Saturn is a planet of tangible manifestation while the sign of Aquarius is about new ideas and visions. Mars I feel like I am increasingly getting blocks , barriers and getting more and more down. You are living your chart in quite a potent way. July 24 to August 23. Today on Cafe Astrology i learned my nodes Aq Leo Cancer rx Cap. Saturn is just like the planet. Tarot Many calculations have been made (financial, logistical) to make this jump and the retraining takes a lot of time, but I like the work. You may have a Roman Catholic background, or Jewish and so on. Saturn changing signs is shackles off, shackles on. And sometimes you just sidestep and avoid. Again, he leaves in March. He is with you now, February, March, April, May so you have time. 02 Aries 24 23 R Ops was Saturns wife and defeated him. You also need to look at the cycles of the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo, which take place near Saturn in Pisces. Youve not had anything like this in your lifetime. He has had a very challenging few years personally with his family and profession (a therapist). Ops You are a Sun Virgo with stelliums in Virgo, Leo and Libra. Hi Jessica Dont be afraid of any fear. I am a Taurus sun On the other write down what you want and need (and when). Saturn in Libra is the marriage with walls. Academia. Jupiter Study is work too. You wont see this transit again for another 28-29 years so take the entire Saturn in Aquarius cycle from Christmas 2020 to May 2023 as a useful piece of instruction. Wish you give me some specific tips according to my chart. The ending in March is either because you have a new role, or a new project or because you hear that someone has been sacked or resigned. If you have the time to look at my chart and see how this is going to effect me would be much appreciated. Thank you. And herein lies the essence of the sign Aquarius is objective and high-minded, primarily concerned with ideals, especially the humanitarian sort. At the moment I am trying to understand my Sun chart. Somehow i found myself leaving at 4th of Jan and ending a 19 years employment ! The other important month is July, when you finish up a cycle in your solar Fifth House of sexual relationships and parenthood (or substitute parenthood) which has kept you stuck for quite a long time. As I alway go on about in my replies, my grandson has autism and its been a long hard road. Saturn is very much at home here as it is the ancient ruler of the sign of Aquarius. Im also in a loving and fullfilling relationship now that basically renders socially homophobic attacks as toothless tigers. The new variant is extremely infectious and has become the dominant form of Covid in America. This cosmic phenomenon is called the .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Saturn Return, and its something of an astrological coming-of-age. Itll stay there until March 7th, 2023, apart from a dip back into Capricorn from July 1st, 2020, to December 17th, 2020. He is issuing new rules and people are leaving. Often the gifts are the result of their sole-focus obsession. It can also come out as an identity crisis, or general feelings of stuckness and confusion about where your life should be headed and what your purpose is. Ever since he entered your Eleventh House of social life, friends and groups in December 2020, you have been surrounded by heavy restrictions, either making access and entry impossible (for example, going to group events) or keeping you tightly shut into situations with groups and friends, which you find heavily curtain your freedom and space. Well, Saturn is going into Pisces and your Twelfth House, so nothing to do with foreign countries, partnerships or conflicts. Saturn in Aquarius So are you but you have not really reached your full potential with a tribe. Mercury in 16 Pisces Saturn in Aquarius | Three Years of Technology, Its worth having a look at. You are a Sun Libra with Libra, Virgo, Cancer stelliums, so what is actually affecting your life in 2023, 2024 is the South Node in Libra for the first time in 18-19 years. Saturn comes back again 29.5 years later, around the age of 60 and of course, you may become divorced; you could become a grandparent; you may pay out your mortgage and move. Long-term, image matters, as Neptune in Aries from 2026 will show you a new way of presenting yourself online, using a second self in a virtual space. Your interest in religion, spirituality, therapy, Tarot, counselling, mediumship, psychics and the invisible world (even not believing in God is a belief) will be restructured from March 2023 when Saturn goes into Pisces to co-exist with Neptune. At it best, your Virgo side will give you a daily life you really enjoy, no matter if it is important work that you craft and perfect, for others, or a fresh food open air market. 26 Libra 12 45 13 Sagittarius 03 The house. Saturn entering Pisces has attracted 86 questions this morning so its obviously really important to you and others watching your charts as 2023 begins. You are not logged in, so I cant see that, but if you have a stellium in Virgo in your Sixth House, then remembering the last time Saturn in Pisces made a series of oppositions to that, will really help you in 2023-2026. Nice man too. Your father is a Sun Pisces and you found him a heavy presence and here is a man who nearly became a priest. Studious and always self-developing, they reach their goals and comforts and immediately make new plans for the next thing. I am glad astrology is making more sense; especially as you have your brothers depression to think about. Im afraid I dont know of any astrologer who uses my methods. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Here? The astrology of Saturn will be live. And is it also in my solar 5th house as well? Hi Jessica, Happy New Year! The astrology of Saturn will be live. One of those factors is the IC or Immum Coeli which suggests he has inherited depression from a relative or ancestor; alternatively he has inherited the cure it, fix it pattern from the same; there may have been a doctor or psychiatrist, nurse or surgeon in the family tree. Itll be good if Saturn is renamed to a happy planet or atleast a happier one than as currently named. Thank you so much for your insights. The following day on May 17, Jupiter in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius. Sex. So we would expect to see restrictions, thresholds, curbs, boundaries with groups and friends (Aquarius) and then religion (Pisces). Why was The Black Death a Saturn experience for religious people? Is that significant? It would be no surprise at all to see you offered a tryst, or more, with someone who brings all sorts of high walls with them. Thats really all it is. Capricorn: Position. For those who have lots of planetary energy in Gemini or Libra, this Saturn transit will be more overtly constructive. The barriers or barricades are shown by the signs involved. May 19: New Moon in Taurus. These, The statue of the god in the Temple of Saturn had his legs and feet covered with bands of wool which were removed only on December 17th, the day of the. You have it there. tarot Teenagers. In the 1990s it was about gay culture, but also any collective that united a wide range of people. So its a whole new world of work for you from March. Some companies will go through huge issues; multinational corporations which have done wrong. Hailing from a long line of spiritual healers, Lisa has been practicing astrology professionally for over 15 years but has been studying the stars all of her life. February 16th: Sun 27 Aquarius conjunction Saturn 27 Aquarius Happy New Year! WebThe City of Ninnescah is located in the State of Kansas. Its nice to finally put 2022 behind us but Im not sure Im looking forward to 2023 with all the changes coming. Dont just amble into it. Is a conjunction a positive thing or negative thing in this case? You may have a baby near 30. 00 R The latter I have always regretted. A change in the balance of power. If its a big part of who they are, you have a Pisces. We need a forum ( read Fan club). Curbs hi Jessica, happy new year! What you are seeing is your body pushing back. I dont use yods in astrology, but in relation to your question about your grandson, you have seen how remote, detached and cut off he is. I paid for it yet not able to catch it live. Saturns tour through Aquarius from March 21 to July 1 is a preview of a longer cycle. Property. Or am I already in the best place? Overseas? As well as my Mercury at 23*. Saturn brings barricades and barriers; you were born with those surrounding the family home. Reputation. I start wondering about Saturn in Pisces, in my 12th/8th house..Im not ready I never got my gift from Jupiter in my 12th house, actually the cycle of Jupiter in Pisces was pretty dark for me with grief and sadness, isolation and stuck so I dont know what Saturn has in store for me. You may already have changed your life because of it but you might have to do so again. Apollo at 19 Libra returns to his birth position in your chart when he transits 19 Libra, so this is an Apollo Return, something most people dont talk about, but it is significant. Make the most of this transit by embracing your originality and confidence. Love your website. There may be couples counselling and so on. You will have a new image, title and reputation by May if you try and it will be terrific for you. Also use this as an opportunity to support your brothers and sisters who are having a harder time you may be called upon more frequently to walk other people through their own dark nights of the soul. Saturn is an outer planet in astrology that rules over discipline, structure, and boundaries. Hi Jessica That made me look at my natal chart and I have Saturn at 11 Leo, sextile both Jupiter at 10 Gemini and Pluto at 11 Libra. All this restricts you and confines you for a reason. Academic Career. The impact of Covid on India and China who make pharmaceuticals. Im sun leo with saturn in 1st house naral. Thank you for another super interesting post, Jessica love the advice to clear the deck for the area that Saturn will occupy! I use a different house system to you: the Natural House System. In Aquarius, this is about friends and groups. This time around, you have some useful memories of what it is like to be opposed by people, organisations or situations which seem heavy. And on it goes. All about Saturn in Aquarius or in the 11th house The placement of your Saturn sign can reveal some of lifes toughest lessons. Virgo is opposite Pisces, which rules the subconscious mind, soul and spirit in astrology. WebLoki is Saturn ~ the veil between our worlds; Hella ~ Dont Ignore her; Pisces Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Aquarius Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Capricorn Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Read it aloud and ask your guides and family and friends in spirit to help you. You may have a few of them (overlapping circles). It is truly hard but necessary. 19 To reassure you, you have Jupiter with all his luck, protection and solutions in your job sector until May 2023, so whatever you decide to do will work out very well for you. I am glad you have been free of viruses since Long Covid. would he be good in a managerial role? PALLID STURGEON / All Threatened and Endangered Are we able to seek for solution from astrology to help one overcome the challenge or improve current situation? Take out a mortgage. My angels must have wanted to say hello. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Any insight is appreciated. I am not a current member as had to cancel due to costs this year but hope to re join next year sorry. Thank you so much for your feature on Saturn Jessica. Saturn in Aquarius Mom , sibling are Taureans and both have Saturn in Cancer. 07 Capricorn 52 Again, very long term, he will be in a partnership, or a new version of the old partnership, from 2026 which changes his life and sets him free. A good way to deal with Saturn is to clear the decks (Robert Hands advice) before he enters a house. Rex E. Bills (The Rulership Book) associates Saturn with chronic and Saturns Greek predecessor was Kronos. Of course, when Saturn leaves one sign, and goes into another, you are presented with borders and confinement in another area of your life. 23 Sagittarius 33 Thank you in advance for reading my question and possibly sharing your insight on my chart. Instead of playing beer pong, you want to sip ros. In 2023-2024, for example, you may decide to reshape a marriage so you live apart. The other big ending is your four-year relationship. You have stelliums in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn. My mother has equated my sexuality to murderers and worse , several times over the years and never takes responsibility for what a dreadful thing that is to say. You have such a good way of explaining things, thank you. Thank you. I am sure you dont smoke. Home being very important for my grounding and my family, this already gives me so much stress to find a new home! Thank you very much for this article. This is the sign of Pluto is at 17 Virgo, again in opposition, and in conjunction with Uranus, in the Sixth House. Please I know you extremely busy responding to comments. With Saturn in Aquarius, the planet lies in the last of the Air signs. Thank you for all you do. You are in Australia but the airlines and airports, cruise ship companies and ports have rolled out a red carpet and we have to deal with it. My sun is capricorn ruled by Saturn and is in Taurus in my chart. The law is also associated with the Eighth House for obvious reasons. May 2023 to May 2024 brings opportunities to expand and improve your home life or family ties and after all you have been through you deserve that Jupiter sextile. However, with the Saturn conjunction, does that block or cause difficulties with using Minerva? Happy New Year. Tarot Confinement Some rules are meant to be broken, and thats precisely what your Saturn return is all about. Hygiea is a symbol of protection in the horoscope; prevention is better than cure. For me it might be accurate since its where my Node axis is.So it means that when Saturn cross my south node it will be important date for me? A New Saturn Return Is Beginningaka Your Astrological Coming-of-Age, The Best Days to Ask for a Raise, by Zodiac Sign, Why Youre So Great in Bed, by Zodiac Sign, These Crystals Will Keep All the Bad Vibes Away, The Best Pet Stain Removers That Actually Work, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. From that point forward, with your existing partner or a new one, you will balance the scales and settle karma from the previous cycle. This has to be met with new rules, which will come naturally to you from March. It may be useful to go over your will again and update if youve not done that; just to clear your thoughts. You were born with the Sun in Libra in the Seventh House of the two of us and so you shine at your brilliant best when you celebrate a Silver Wedding Anniversary or win awards for your business partnership. When Saturn is in a particular sign and house, by transit, we reap what we sow. The reason now will probably be Covid. Is there anything I should be aware of with this new weather, and especially, any positives you see up ahead? Virgo-Pisces is commonly associated with HIV-AIDS because Pisces is organised religion, like the Roman Catholic church, and Virgo is epidemics or pandemics. Could this be because of Saturn? March 19th 2024 to February 23rd 2025, Saturn 25-29 Pisces

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