Then the asas sent messengers over all the world, praying that Balder might be wept out of Hels power. Thus it is said in the Valas Prophecy: Then asked Ganglere: What happens when heaven and earth and all the worlds are consumed in flames, and when all the gods and all the einherjes and all men are dead? Back to Text, 7 The name Annarr seems to be the same as the word annarr, meaning "other, second". Four stags leap about in the branches of the ash and bit the leaves. They were so very powerful that we, as gods you know, decided that these boys should rule over the universe. In the beginning, when the town of the gods was building, when the gods had established Midgard and made Valhal, there came a certain builder and offered to make them a burg, in three half years, so excellent that it should be perfectly safe against the mountain giants and frost-giants, even though they should get within Midgard. Then said Ganglere: That was a wonderful tiding that you now told me. The meaning seems to stem from the understanding of bellows as tools from a blacksmith's forge. When the asas thus became sure that it was really a mountain-giant that had come among them, they did not heed their oaths, but called on Thor. He also asked who owned the burg. They find in the grass those golden tables which the asas once had. So he turned and went his way back to Thrudvang. It is one of the reasons that the Prose Edda is continuously under scrutiny by modern Norse scholars. He, who had conducted him in, answered that the one who sat in the lowest high-seat was king, and hight Har; the other next above him, Jafnhar; but the one who sat on the highest throne, Thride. Then Utgard-Loke stepped forward, bade them cease the wrestling, and added that Thor did not need to challenge anybody else to wrestle with him in his hall, besides it was now getting late. But the gods were angered by that arrogance and took the siblings and set them up in the sky, they made Sun drive that horse who drew the sun's chariot which the gods had shaped to light the world from an ember which flew from Muspell's World. The sons of Muspel have there effulgent bands alone by themselves. GEFJON's PLOUGHING. But if you cannot answer my question I declare you to be defeated. And Thor grew so wroth at the giant that he came near letting the hammer ring on his head straightway, but he restrained himself, for he intended to try his strength elsewhere. Frey made no objection to this and gave him the sword. He will catch it, of course, when the world ends. He also took into consideration that it was necessary to expose ones self to some danger if he desired to become famous; so he let them put the fetter on him. The following are the names of the horses of the gods: Sleipner is the best one; he belongs to Odin, and he had eight feet. Then they took one more heat. He is the best, and all praise him. Afterward she was married to Annar. He was standing there for some time, smiling, when he realized that Third had stopped talking. Gylfaginning (Old Norse: 'The Beguiling of Gylfi' or 'The Deluding of Gylfi'; c. 20,000 words; 13th century Old Norse pronunciation in Norse, Old pronounced as /lvan/) is the first part of the 13th century Prose Edda after the Prologue.The Gylfaginning deals with the creation and destruction of the world of the sir and many other aspects of Norse . He is also called Hangagod, Haptagod, Farmagod; and he gave himself still more names when he came to King Geirrod: Then said Ganglere: A very great number of names you have given him; and this I know, forsooth, that he must be a very wise man who is able to understand and decide what chances are the causes of all these names. As a punishment for his audacity in seating himself in that holy seat, Frey went away full of grief. Him the giants call Bergelmer. Antiquitatum danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres [Three books of Danish antiquities concerning the causes of the Danes' contempt of death while they were still pagan]. And for this reason odin is called Alfather, that he is the father of all gods and men, and of all things that were made by him and by his might. Their names are Hugin and Munin. are you awake, Thor? She wished to live where her father had dwelt, that is, on the mountains in Thrymheim; Njord, on the other hand, preferred to be near the sea. Then happens what will seem a great miracle, that the wolf devours the sun, and this will seem a great loss. The Gods tell the story of the creation myth while they perpetually trick the king with a cunning set of visual illusions. He is so rich and wealthy that he can give broad lands and abundance to those who call on him for them. The cooks name is Andhrimner, and the kettle is called Eldhrimner, as is here said: Then asked Ganglere: What do the einherjes have to drink that is furnished them as bountifully as the food? (Summary by Becky Cook) Listen to Chapter 41 | 41 - The Deluding of Gylfi . Jafnhar said: No less holy are the asynjes (goddesses), nor is their power less. How does he steer the path of the sun and moon? At daybreak the next day Thor and his companions arose, dressed themselves and were ready to depart. Har answered: Much is to be said about it. In Deluding of Gylfi, the king of Sweden goes on a quest to learn the secrets of the gods and discover what makes them so powerful.He disguises himself as a common man, and in planning to infiltrate the Halls of Asgard, he instead enters a false hall, and is met by three wise and mysterious beings: High One, Just-As-High, and Third. Gangleri wanted to know about the universes origins and the end of the world (aka Ragnark). I have never heard any one tell further the fate of the world. Thither repair also the Fenris-wolf and the Midgard-serpent. But if you are bound to continue your journey, then keep straight on eastward; my way lies to the north, to those mountains that you there see. It is not surprising that she goes at a great speed: that one who seeks her follows closely. He went into the hall, called his cup-bearer, and requested him to take the sconce-horn that his thanes were wont to drink from. She enjoys sitting on her deck with a cup of coffee reading books on Norse myths, deities and the fantastic stories behind each and every Norse god. Are there other remarkable places than the one by Urds fountain? She was first married to a man who hight Naglfare. Thjalfe, the bondes son, had the thigh of one of the goats, which he broke asunder with his knife, in order to get at the marrow. Third made shoo-shoo gestures towards Gylfi, and Just-as-High still sat with his mouth gaping. He was fostered in Vanaheim, but the vans gave him as a hostage to the gods, and received in his stead as an asa-hostage the god whose name is Honer. where their places were. ", High-One widened his eyes, and clapped Gylfi on the shoulder, "Good question, Gangleri! The gods took three rocks and set them up on edge, and bored a hole through each rock. They were so fair and beautiful that he called one of them Moon but the other, his daughter, Sun, and married her to that man who is named Glenr. What makes the story of Glyfi in the Gylfaginning different is that Snorri wrote it 100 percent and has no foundations in Norse lore. 473. There is also a mansion called Glitner, of which the walls and pillars and posts are of red gold, and the roof is of silver. Thus says the Valas Prophecy: While these things are happening, Heimdal stands up, blows with all his might in the Gjallar-horn and awakens all the gods, who thereupon hold counsel. Since Gylfaginning is very long, only sections about the Sun, Moon, and seasons are translated below. The sea rushes over the earth, for the Midgard-serpent writhes in giant rage and seeks to gain the land. King Gylfe ruled the lands that are now called Svithjod (Sweden). The sixth is Freyja, who is ranked with Frigg. But what have you done with my glove? Where is the story about the delusion of Gylfi set? Frigg is his wife, and she knows the fate of men, although she tells not thereof, as it is related that Odin himself said to Asa-Loke: Then said Ganglere: What are the names of the other asas? What does he have to give them to eat? Their son was Day, who was light and fair after his father. Jord, the mother of Thor, and Rind, Vales mother, are numbered among the goddesses. They drew nearer and came to the burg-gate, which was closed. Skrymer proposed that they should lay their store of provisions together, to which Thor consented. Frey came riding in his chariot drawn by the boar called Gullinburste or Slidrugtanne. They took his huge skull and made the sky. He is the originator of deceit, and the disgrace of all gods and men. From him the gods have much help in all hard tasks. Then quivers the ash Ygdrasil, and all things in heaven and earth fear and tremble. Vidar is the name of the silent asa. He took from the earth two children, who hight Bil and Hjuke, as they were going from the well called Byrger, and were carrying on their shoulders the bucket called Sager and the pole Simul. Hoder took the mistletoe and shot at Balder under the guidance of Loke. He thought to himself whether this could come from their own nature, or whether the cause must be sought for among the gods whom they worshiped. As is here said: Ganglere asked: Whose is that horse Sleipner, and what is there to say about it? They became his servants, and have always accompanied him since that time. She was married to a man who is called Naglfari.6 Their son is called Aur. Three Aesir greeted him when he arrived, and he told them his new name, but not his real name. GEFJON's PLOUGHING. Now Thor became angry, assumed his asa-might and spurned so hard that both his feet went through the boat and he stood on the bottom of the sea. Odin had seen from Hlidskjalf where Loke kept himself. Swedish kind that disguises himself as Gangleri - which means "strider". One stood under his shoulders, another under his loins, and the third under his hams, and the fetters became iron. Back to Text A she-goat, by name Heidrun, stands up in Valhal and bites the leaves off the branches of that famous tree called Lerad. Then the gods set themselves in their high-seats and held counsel. When Skirner came back and gave an account of his journey, Frey said: Then said Ganglere: You say that all men who since the beginning of the world have fallen in battle have come to Odin in Valhal. Frey encounters Surt, and heavy blows are exchanged ere Frey falls. For this purpose they used the giant Ymers eyebrows, and they called the burg Midgard. Answered Utgard-Loke: Young lads here think it nothing but play to lift my cat up from the ground, and I should never have dared to offer such a thing to Asa-Thor had I not already seen that you are much less of a man than I thought. Furthermore, there is a dwelling, by name Himinbjorg, which stands at the end of heaven, where the Bifrost-bridge is united with heaven. What is it that you need from us?" They were fair of face, and mighty. He is fair of face, and possesses every quality of a warrior. Late in the evening he sought out a place for their night quarters under a large oak. Their fathers name is Vidfin. All who come to him with disputes go away perfectly reconciled. Har answered: So great respect have the gods for their holiness and peace-stead, that they would not stain them with the blood of the wolf, though prophecies foretell that he must become the bane of Odin. The stars shall be hurled from heaven. Loke immediately sprang up, cast the net on the fire and leaped into the river. The present selection includes the whole of Gylfaginning (The deluding of Gylfi)--a guide to mythology that forms one of the great storybooks of the Middle Ages--and the longer heroic tales and legends of Skldskaparml (Poetic diction). Thence come these two wolves. In the door of the hall Gylfe saw a man who played with swords so dexterously that seven were in the air at one time. So it is said in the Valas Prophecy: Then said Ganglere: Where is the chief or most holy place of the gods? To him was given force and strength, whereby he conquers all things quick. When they had breakfasted, they immediately departed from the burg. The first was the Fenris-wolf; the secon, Jormungand, that is, the Midgard-serpent, and the third, Hel. The tenth is Vor, who is so wise and searching that nothing can be concealed from her. He was so curious, he finally asked, "Why does the Sun move so fast?". Gylfi was very excited, these Aesir seemed rather friendly, and blurted right out, "I would like to know how the world began! That man asked him what his name was. The dart pierced him and he fell dead to the ground. So it is here said: Then said Ganglere: Do any gods live then? Soon he reached the hall of the gods. Freyja is the most famous of the goddesses. As is here said: But true it is, as you said, that Odin is a great chief. Then said Ganglere: A most powerful man is Utgard-Loke, though he deals much with delusions and sorcery. Thus he gets information about many things, and hence he is called Rafnagud (raven-god). He has a very thick shoe, and he is the strongest next after Thor. Night rides first on the horse which is called Hrimfaxe, and every morning he bedews the earth with the foam from his bit. Back to Text, 11 All-father is a name for inn. When there were three days left before summer, the work was all completed excepting the burg gate. Of him it is said that he gave to a wayfaring woman, as a reward for the entertainment she had afforded him by her story-telling, a plow-land in his realm, as large as four oxen could plow it in a day and a night. Eljudner is the name of her hall. Answered Har: Mundilfare hight the man who had two children. When they came to him he threw the serpent into the deep sea which surrounds all lands. "We greet you, Gangleri. Third laughed so hard he nearly choked to death. Skirner answered saying that he would go on this errand, but Frey must give him his sword, that was so excellent that it wielded itself in fight. Then asked the woman: Have all things taken an oath to spare Balder? When he saw that all his efforts were in vein he became wroth, seized his hammer Mjolner with both hands, stepped with one foot forward to where Skrymer was lying and dashed the hammer at his head. Har answered: Great things are to be said thereof. Then said Utgard-Loke: How now, Thor! Then said Utgard-Loke: Now I will tell you the truth, since you have come out of the burg, that if I live, and may have my way, you shall never enter it again; and this I know, forsooth, that you should never have come into it had I before known that you were so strong, and that you had come so near bringing us into great misfortune. That age was called the golden age, until it was lost by the coming of those women from Jotunheim. So it was above the Earth before this took place. Back to Text, 3 Vlusp ("The Sibyl's Prophecy")was poem describing the beginning and end of the world. Report Copyright Violation Also available in package deal (1) Scandinavian Studies It seems to me there must be a great throng of people. Oftentimes in the daytime he took on him the likeness of a salmon and concealed himself in Frananger Force. So Summer grew up to be this way. While Gangleri approached three gods not found within the germanic myths, they were Odin in disguise. Her second husband was called Other, and together they too have a daughter, named Earth. Back to Text We will tell you all about the different gods and goddesses, as well as the heroes and heroines. The Gylfaginning serves as a framework to retell Old Norse sagas sampled from surviving Nordic texts through the eyes of Gylfi. There dwelt the gods and their race, and thence were wrought many tidings and adventures, both on earth and in the sky. He is the wisest, mildest and most eloquent of all the asas; and such is his nature that none can alter the judgment he has pronounced. Then they sent to Jotunheim after the giantess whose name is Hyrrokken. He is daring in combat, and a good shot. Snorri was a poet, politician, historian, and Christian. Utgard-Loke bade her take a wrestle with Asa-Thor. But under the the horses' shoulders the gods set two bellows to cool them, but in some sources these are called "iron-coal".14 Moon steers the moon's course and controls its waxing and waning. She has since carried her love of mythological stories into adulthood also studying diverse aspects of the Viking culture in general. The Deluding of Gylfi. It must be admitted that Thor now beguiled the Midgard-serpent not a whit less than Utgard-Loke mocked him when he was to lift the serpent with his hand. But before these there are three other winters, during which great wars rage over all the world. This place is called Gladsheim. Thride added: They took his skull and made thereof the sky, and raised it over the earth with four sides. The Midgard-serpent took the ox-head into his mouth, whereby the hook entered his palate, but when the serpent perceived this he tugged so hard that both Thors hands were dashed against the gunwale. World Mythology, Volume 1: Gods and Creation by Jared Aragona is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. This is why the first section of the Prose Edda is called "The Deluding of Gylfi" (or, in Old Norse, Gylfaginning). King Gylfi of Sweden, a wise man and skilled in magic, had become obsessed with the desire to understand the sir (the race of the Norse gods) after encountering one of their kind disguised as a simple beggar woman. Here he built a house with four doors, so that he might keep an outlook on all sides. In Norse mythology, specific deities are associated with fate, including mysterious, feminine beings known as the Norns. Then they took glowing sparks, that were loose and had been cast out from Muspelheim, and placed them in the midst of the boundless heaven, both above and below, to light up heaven and earth. Thither come also the sons of Thor, Mode and Magne, and they have Mjolner. Once, when she was riding, some vans saw her faring through the air. And she has no way out except to run away. +150 Popular Norse and Viking Names (Female & Male). And in the Malar Lake the bays correspond to the capes in Seeland. Added Thride: As cold and all things grim proceeded from Niflheim, so that which bordered on Muspelheim was hot and bright, and Ginungagap was as warm and mild as windless air. When Balder had fallen, the asas were struck speechless with horror, and their hands failed them to lay hold of the corpse. The most famous medieval Icelandic writer was Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241). Although it describes Scandinavian myths, many scholars believe its material was influenced by Christianity. With her he begat three children. He dwells in a place called Himinbjorg, near Bifrost. 16 A possible meaning of the name Vindlni. He has a very good sword, which shines brighter than the sun. In the end all the palace and its people just vanish and Gylfi is left standing on empty ground. Thor invited the bonde, his wife and their children, a son by name Thjalfe, and a daughter by name Roskva, to eat with them. That's why Winter himself is so nasty and grim. Some dwarfs, the sons of Ivalde, made Skidbladner and gave it to Frey. High-One waved cheerily to Glyfi, and the three Aesir disappeared. But when the wolf now began to spurn against it the band grew stiffer, and the more he strained the tighter it got. Some of the tales within theGylfaginning are reshaped through Christian ideologies or made up entirely to fill in gaps. Back to Text Then Skrymer fell asleep and snored tremendously. In the evening they came to a bonde (1) and got there lodgings for the night. Just-as-High sat in his chair with his mouth open so wide that Gylfi could see all of his teeth. He did not remain long at home, before he busked himself so suddenly for a new journey, that he took neither chariot, nor goats nor any companions with him. Said Utgard-Loke: From this horn it is thought to be well drunk if it is emptied in one draught, some men empty it in two draughts, but there is no drinker so wretched that he cannot exhaust it in three.

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