Learn more about her fiction and read her faith blog at jessicabrodie.com. God graciously communicated through these stones, leading His people. All the priests, including the high priest, wore a white linen tunic or kethoneth(Hebrew), a long-sleeved ankle-length garment. 2 Corinthians 5:21) That is, God our Father looks upon us with all the favor with which He looks upon His own unique Son Jesus that He loves infinitely. That is, you cannot lose your salvation because the work of the Last Adam was greater than the work of the First Adam! Furthermore, Hal believes that being a successful leader in the church or workplace is no substitute for failing to be a successful leader at home. Photo credit: GettyImages/Javier_Art_Photography. And David danced before the LORD with all, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. These are the same people who Moses led out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. All rights reserved. This light reflects the righteousness of Jesus and does not expose our blemishes from sin but rather reflects the righteousness of Jesus who is a forever brilliant, beautiful, shining, priceless, precious, and secure person! The breastplate was, in reality, a piece of elaborately finished cloth of the same material as the ephod. We are sinners in need of a Savior. Shes also produced a free eBook, A God-Centered Life: 10 Faith-Based Practices When Youre Feeling Anxious, Grumpy, or Stressed. Let us take a closer look at the way in which the Torah describes how Aaron must function vis--vis the "clothing items.". He has gone into the presence of God on our behalf and has made intercession for us. Later, the same thing happened. As Christians, we can look at the image of the ephod and praise God that through the death of His Son, Jesus our Great High Priest, we can have direct access to God. Likely this had to do with the sacredness of the priesthoods garments and what these materials and colors represented typologically. It is kept in position on the body by means of two shoulder pieces (v. 7) and a fastening band (v. 8).". Before Jesus, most people didnt simply talk with God about His will, whether out of fear they were not holy enough and would incur His wrath or because God typically only spoke through His prophets. (Matthew 26:62-65). (Matthew 6:25-34). So when they wanted to know Gods will, they consulted a priest or prophet, who would then speak to God on their behalf. We can also replace Jesus Christ with our own self-righteousness. While cotton fabric is derived from the fibers in the bolls that grow around the plant's seed heads, linen is made from fibers in the stems of the flax plant. The wearer of such linen made from breathable flax fibers would not sweat. In this situation, it is clear that God alone was being worshiped following the victory. A. This diadem, crown, or headband was constructed with one piece of pure gold engraved with the simple message, Holy to the Lord. Unlike the crown worn by royalty on top of the head, this is worn across the forehead and extends from ear to ear. Praecidan. Without the ephodor the breastpiece, tunic, or sashthe priest was unfit to serve. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and more. The ephod was of great importance. Learn how your comment data is processed. Now the first three stones were asardonyx, a topaz, and an emerald. This does not mean we are to sit around and do nothing all day. The other Levites were tasked with helping the priests in these duties (. Lets find out more about the significance of the ephod. (Genesis 3:19). Mathew Henry describes all that is finishedat that exact moment in time: It is finished; that is, the counsels of the Father concerning his sufferings were now fulfilled. The other items are a breastpiece, robe, woven tunic, turban, and sash (Exodus 28:4). God is not looking at my thoughts to judge me but rather the thoughts of the high priest. Since the twelve stones were in one breastplate, they speak of the oneness of the people of God, while their position upon Aarons breast speaks of Gods affection for His people. But it was unquestionably done as an act of religious homage, his attitudes and dress being symbolic, as they have always been in Oriental countries, of penitence, joy, thankfulness, and devotion. David Was Wearing a Linen Ephod | Trinity Presbyterian Church North Bay In the Old Testament this word has two meanings; in one group of passages it signifies a garment; in another, very probably an image. Purple the God-Man (Blue+Red=Purple) Jesus who is the Last Adam! 22:18). As previously stated,Urim and Thummim were an important part of the ephod and were used to inquire of the Lord about specific matters. For an object to be considered an object of worship, it must have the approval of the Aaronic priesthood and Levites. The same as the High Priests Tunic previously described. What did an ephod look like? - Answers Ephesians 2:8,9. The biblical description (Exodus 28:16, 39:9) continues describing the size of the breastplate which is affixed to the front of the ephod as a square measuring one span by one span (the width of an outstretched hand from little finger tip to out stretched thumb tip). Gideon went on to make an ephod out of the gold won in battle; according to Ginzberg's The Legends of the Jews: "..In the high priest's breastplate, Joseph was represented among the twelve tribes by Ephraim alone, not by Manasseh, too. Gideon had 70 sons from the many women he took as wives. David needed guidance from God, so he asked Abiathar again to bring him the ephod (1 Samuel 30:7). We will ultimately be let down when we put our trust in anything other than Jesus Christ. Over a robe of checker work the High Priest wore a garment called an 'ephod'. (Matthew 13:44) When God, who is light, looks upon us living stones in Christ, He sees reflected back His perfect light from the stones. This means that we are eternally secure in Jesus. The word urim means lights, and thummim means perfections.. And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. To most commentators, a belt and shoulder straps suggested an apron-like garment. Here goes: Modern-day society can replace Jesus Christ with various things. Realize, precious stones are typically located deep within the earth. Just as the high priest went into the Holy of Holies to commune with God on behalf of the people, we need a Savior to go into the presence of God on our behalf. Glad this was of some help. The color of Grace. The same as High Priests Turbin previously described. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. After the Day of Atonements conclusion, he will never again wear the white garments he officiated on this day. The Ephod was an apron-like garment worn in priestly activities at the temple. Therefore, the people knew they were not only duty-bound but also bound under threat of annihilation by God Himself to follow Gods commands. The ephod is also a reminder of our need for God. It is finished; the ceremonial law is abolished; the substance has now come, and all the shadows are done away. In Judges, we see that there was already a lot of division among the Israelites. Just like how the ephod easily became a snare based on the three points provided, we can draw some lessons that we can apply today. First, the "ephod" (a garment): They shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and of fine twisted linen, worked into designs . We have His revealed and complete Word The Bible. It was long it extended from just below his elbows, all the way to his heels. The Sky-Blue (the color of the sky at noon)robe or tekhelet (Hebrew) was a closed garment, seamlessly woven from one piece of fabric and slipped on over the head. What Do We Learn about Babylon in the Bible? Its threads were 12 plies. But the ephod is not just mentioned in Exodus and Leviticus. We know the ephod was a tool of ceremonya special, ornate, handcrafted item with great significance. Listed below are a few of them. Purple Gods Royal Blood in the Son of Man (Red) that came from Heaven (Blue). The underpriest's ephod was probably like the high priest's in shape but was made of plain white cloth, not embroidered, and the linen of which it was made may not have been of the quality of the high priest's ephod. superhumerale) is a kind of garment mentioned in the O. T., which differed according to its use by the high-priest, by other persons present at religious services, or as the object of idolatrous worship.. Ephod of the High-Priest.Supplementing the data contained in the Bible with those gleaned from Josephus and the Egyptian monuments . The High Priests Day of Atonement garment. Pomegranates, by contrast, are somewhat easier to identify. He wanted to wear it to signify that God was with him and would help him defeat his enemies. There was onlyone time of the yearthat the High Priest wore the white garments. (significance and symbolism), And thats it, folks, the ephod in the bible, Dream About the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem (Raw), 31+ Brilliant Bible Emergency Numbers (Verses). We also see King David wearing a linen ephod in 2 Samuel 6:14 and 1 Chronicles 15:27 as he and others carried the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem. Although there is some mystery around it, it appears that the stones were a way for the Israelites to hear from God directly. Romans 11:6)Hallelujah! A. They sacrificed to it and made offerings to it. , Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolishthe Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them butto fulfill them.. Hallelujah! He reminded His people of His faithfulness with beautiful depictions of the names of the 12 sons of Jacob on the onyx stones on the ephod (and breastpiece). We dont need anything else when we have him. The ephod supported the breastpiece of 12 precious stones. For all time and eternity, we are the objects of the Fathers supreme affection, the recipients of His unlimited mercies (i.e., unlimited ability to meet all our needs, wants, and desires). That is, God the Father looks at Jesus to judge Christians. The Amalekites also took captive all the women and children. She has a weekly YouTube devotional, too. Gideon is additionally described as creating an ephod made up of 1,700 shekels of gold (Judges 8:2527). The precious stones with the names represented that all of Gods Special Treasures (i.e., His people) are on His heart. It was worn outside the robe and probably kept in place by a girdle and by shoulder pieces, from which hung the breast piece (or pouch) containing the sacred lots (divinatory objects), Urim and Thummim, whose precise function is now unknown. His sufferings were now finished, both those of his soul and those of his body. We dont need an ephod anymore, because Jesus fulfilled its purpose. The ephod was one of these instructions, as significant as the rest. The breastpiece that was attached to the ephod also held huge significance and contained two stones, the Urim and Thummim. The Talmud argues that each of the textures was combined in six threads with a seventh of gold leaf, making 28 threads to the texture in total. The tribe of Levi was set apart by God to be His holy ministers. The ephod didnt have the Aaronic priesthood or Levites behind it to give it authority. This indicates the ongoing nature of our salvation. It carried much symbolic weight. These garments are made from white flax, hence their designationthe white garments.They must be woven, and each thread used must be six-ply woven from six individual strands of fabric. . King David wore a linen ephod when he famously danced before the Lord when they carried the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David. APUD or APDO Gr. Consequently, it is NOT all about us but rather all about Jesus Christ, and we are hidden in Him! As He specifies, the ephod should be made of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linenthe work of skilled hands. The ephod had twelve different stones set in it. White Righteousness and purity. These stones represented that all the names of Gods Special Treasure (i.e., His people) and their needs are carried on His shoulders which represents being upheld by His strength. Lets take a closer look at why this act of making an ephod became a snare. There appears to have been a strong religious and ceremonial implication to wearing an ephod, since the 85 priests at Nob are specifically identified as being the type of people who wore an ephod;[2] though the Masoretic text here describes them as being linen ephods (1 Samuel 22:18) the word linen is not present in the Septuagint version of the passage, nor is it present when the Septuagint describes David and Samuel as girding themselves with an ephod. Chitn is the word in the Greek Old Testament for the tunic/undergarment worn by all priests, while a different word, hypodyts ( ), is usually the word for the priestly robe. Decorative pomegranates made of sky-blue, purple, and crimson-dyed wool were attached to the robes lower hem. The wearer of such linen would not sweat. p. 156, 157. (Psalms 110:4) That is, Jesus was to become the eternal High Priest, our Great High Priest. (3) The ephod covered the back of his body. Because of His sacrifice, we can have eternal life. God bless you . The Gospel of Matthew Jesus of royal lineage. ephod, also spelled Efod, part of the ceremonial dress of the high priest of ancient Israel described in the Old Testament (Ex. Learnt a lot from the work you put into this. [6], The object at Nob, which must have been somewhat freestanding since another object is kept behind it, and the objects made by Gideon and by Micah, from molten gold, logically cannot have just been garments. What Jesus is, we are in the sight of God. It was as if The Word (i.e., Jesus) offered the animal sacrifices to God the Father. Priesthood garments - Ephod - and significance - JudaicaWorld archives The second element of Jesus statement is equally important: the Present, ongoing, linearand will continue to be finishedcomponent of the perfect tense. [2] The verb --, "to gird," is used for an ephod, [3] implying that an ephod contains (or perhaps is) a belt or sash. The names on the breastplate were always close to Aarons heart, just as with Christ and His precious ones. (John 19:30) It is the verb form of the word, Complete. This is the root word for Tekhelet, pronounced te-KAY-let, which was theblue tunicworn by the high priest. They were all united under one High Priest. Other scholars[who?] What has been done today was commanded by the Lord to make atonement for you. When we wear Jesus Christ, we are clothed in his righteousness and are forgiven of our sins. The stones represented the twelve tribes of Israel, and they were arranged in four rows of three stones each. Hebrews 4:14-15 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. Ephod | Catholic Answers NIV But Samuel was ministering before the LORD--a boy wearing a linen ephod. The crafting of these priestly garments, along with other preparations for the elaborate details of the Lords tabernacle, takes up several chapter in Exodusfirst the descriptions of how they are to be made, then the description of the crafting itself. The explanation seems to be that the ephod of bad was simply a garment worn by any one engaged in a religious service, and it is used in 1Samuel 22:18 to describe the priests, because such service constituted their ordinary life. The Urim and Thummim were placed inside this pouch. The simplest explanation of an ephod is given to us in Exodus 28:6-8. The most well-known understanding of it, that of a garment or item to be worn, comes in Exodus and Leviticus, where God describes for Moses exactly what preparations Aaron is to take for his priestly service, including how to wash himself and what to wear. The Meaning of Aaron's Holy Garments - Jewish Theological Seminary It also points to Jesus Christ, the ultimate High Priest, who sacrificed Himself for our sins. (Colossians 3:9,10. (http://www.ciu.edu/content/it-finished-look-greek), Hal has been teaching the Bible for over three decades. What is an Ephod in the Bible? - Understanding the Bible Gideon was a judge in Israel and led the Israelites to victory against the Midianites. (1) A sacred vestment originally designed for the high priest ( Exodus 28:4; 39:2 ), and made "of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen," held together by two shoulder-pieces and a skillfully woven band which served as a girdle for the ephod. Anyone who dared to wear it without being authorized by God Himself would be judged harshly. In 1 Chronicles 15 (27-28), though not a priest, King David is seen wearing a linen ephod (not the high priests ephod) as the ark of the covenant is returned to Jerusalem. God was furious over their disobedience and faithlessness and planned to destroy the Israelites. Breastplate Ephod (Vest or Apron) Robe (Coat - Outer Garment) Plate (Diadem or Crown) Tunic (Long Shirt - Inner Garment) Turban (Hat or Mitre) Sash ( Linen (1) Belt or Girdle) Undergarments (Short Pants) Now these are the garments that they are to make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a fitted tunic, a turban, and a sash. Per my previous explanations, the Ephod was a garment that was only to be worn by the high priest. Again, He assesses us in the light of His unique Son, Jesus. Gideons ephod just added to this division. Sacr. We dont have to fear Gods wrath when we approach Him or think He cannot hear us. The integration of the stones in the breastplate, as well as the Hebrew usage of "Urim" as "lights," suggest that the Urim and Thummim may have been a type of ocular device through which the priest would look when receiving divine communication. (John 19:23,24). This doesnt always mean that he will give us an immediate answer, but if we trust him and follow his leading, he will never lead us astray. God desires His ministers to be even-tempered (i.e., cool-headed). The word "ephod" occurs 51 times in 41 verses in the NASB, and refers to the sacred outer garment worn by the high priest, made of gold, blue, purple and scarlet yarn (colors of royalty), to which the breastpiece was attached, and worn over a blue robe. suggest that the ephod originally refers to a container for the stones used to cast lots and later became associated with many objects that also could contain the stones or were used in divination. Bluespeaks of Jesus Divinity as Very God having come down from Heaven the abode of God. 1 Peter 2:4,5. They show us that we can consult God on all of our decisions. Much, much later, the Bible tells us God allowed the destruction of Israel because of their great and continued long streak of disobedience, and that part of their destruction included no guidance from God. They attempted to follow everything God commanded, from His rules about how to properly make a sacrifice and how to build the tabernacle, to who gets to enter the tent and how they are to ceremonially prepare for this work. This arrangement of the tribes forms a cross with its base to the East. [1][2], Even the ephods used for oracular purposes were not necessarily just pieces of cloth, as they are not described as being worn, but carried (though some translations render 1 Samuel 2:28 as wear an ephod rather than carry an ephod[4]); the Hebrew term used in these passages for carry is nasa, which specifically implies that the Ephod was carried either in the hand or on the shoulder.

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