An electronic device adapted to emit EM energy in a frequency, phase and amplitude suitable for treating a condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood. Popp F A: Evolution as the expansion of coherent states . It is also believed that the methods may also lead to the development and manufacture of allergy free digital fragrances. Moreover, needling or using other means of stimulating the acupuncture point enhances the emission over that of other acupuncture points (Inaba, 1998). 9. We restrict the rest of this chapter to the electromagnetic portion of the human biofield where the main scientific focus has been. Bevk M, Kononenko K, Zrimek T: Relation Between Energetic Diagnoses and DV Images . Additionally, some of the more recently developed medical scans, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, can also be used as indirect indicators of electromagnetic activity. Back in the 1800s, the use of electricity in medicine was widespread. Thermography is also used before and after therapy to visualize its influence, as for example in the case of infrared photonic treatment to look for improvements in the symmetry of the emission patterns after treatment. Although the EMAS is primarily designed for clinical practice, it can also serve as a useful tool for research in biofield science. Other studies with human osteoblasts revealed that therapeutic touch stimulated normal human osteoblast adhesion, with significant changes in integrin levels. The practitioner manually holds the probe in place while the electrical conductivity is assessed at each point. With respect to EM signals emitted by the body, it is believed that similar biological processes may be at work in impeding the ability to influence the body frequency signal of young skin with cosmetic products, i.e., the skin of young subjects already has "maximized" optimized EM emissions. Indigenous systems of healing such as Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine and modern modalities such as chiropractic rest on concepts of a vital force or subtle life energy that is central to healing. Rubik B et al: Manual healing methods. To check your pulse, you will need to place two fingers on the side of your neck or wrist and count the number of beats for 15 seconds. Liboff A R: Toward an electromagnetic paradigm for biology and medicine, J Altern Complement Med 10( 1 ):41, 2004. A statistically significant trend of increased proliferation after qigong treatment was also found in a subsequent study with 28 experiments. Biology has been preoccupied with its molecular revolution that focuses on structure-function relationships in biochemistry. Using the experimental set-up described above, measurements were taken for the following conditions: 1) Healthy People: Five relatively younger people (22-25 years) and six relatively older people (54-60 years) were used as subjects. He showed that the index and middle fingers of a subject had the highest intensity (Usa et al, 1991). The practitioner will then use various tools to measure your bodys energy and provide you with feedback. Reliability and validation studies are scarce. The evaluation of the fingertip sectors and their comparison with particular organs and tissues in the GDV software is said to be based on both the system of acupuncture meridians and su jok (a form of Korean hand acupuncture) (Korotkov, 1999). On the other hand, the essence of life is more similar to a flame, burning matter into energy and dancing not only with organized vitality, but also with an element of unpredictability or chaos. Collecting the spatial data on humans is difficult, which requires that they remain still for a long time, with the risk that their blood flow may decrease in the process, affecting the biofield that researchers hope to measure. There are several different methods you can use to measure your body frequency, including using a heart rate monitor, checking your pulse, monitoring your breathing, practicing meditation, taking an energy test, and tracking your sleep patterns. Because of these various complications, biofield measurements, in themselves, may never screen or diagnose populations reliably for disorders and diseases. Schmidt J et al: Sympathetic nervous system activity during laparoscopic and needlescopic cholecystectomy, Surg Endosc 16( 3 ):476, 2002. This is because the amplitude of the signal from a product is less than the amplitude of the signal from the body, and the difference is less than the signal from the body alone. However, no agreement has been reached in the scientific community on the definition of the biofield. Ref document number: To check your pulse, you will need to place two fingers on the side of your neck or wrist and count the number of beats for 15 seconds. No substantial database of conditions and diseases correlated with any energy field measures of the human body has been published. Scam or not, one way to justify its claim will be to measure and verify the emitting frequency and intensity. This includes but is not limited to Krebs cycle, blood oxygenation, glycation, wound healing, collagen and keratin production, ATP/ADP cycle and other body bio-electro-mechanical or bio-chemical activity. A photograph of one of the recent GDV models is shown in Figure 20-3. Alternatively, the source of the EM fields can be placed at a distance from the condition, e.g., an electronic device that emits EM fields suitable for treating the condition can be placed at a pre-selected distance from the portion of the body that exhibits the condition. Moreover, empirical data showing a correlation between particular sectors of fingertip emissions and diseased organs was published independently by Peter Mandel who studied numerous patients over decades using the older form of Kirlian photography with photographic film (Mandel, 1986). Mandel P: Energy emission analysis: new application of Kirlian photography for holistic medicine, Berlin, 1986, Synthesis Publishing. For example, in Chinese medicine, an abnormal liver meridian does not necessarily mean that the liver organ itself is abnormal; rather, it refers to a primary energetic imbalance. Nonetheless, some recent improvements have occurred in the quality of research in this area. The term "digitize" means using a signal generator to reproduce the frequencies of a fragrance. The fields of the human body may also be influenced by the fields of nearby organisms, the biosphere, and even the earth and cosmos, especially geocosmic rhythms. Sancier K M: Electrodermal measurements for monitoring the effects of a qigong workshop, J Altern Complement Med 9( 2 ):235, 2003. Connor M, Schwartz G: Measuring ELF magnetic fields. This factor is in concordance with the principle of oriental medicine that blood follows qi; that is, the physical body will change according to the present status of the biofield. The human body emits low-level light, heat, and acoustical energy; has electrical and magnetic properties; and may also transduce energy that cannot be easily defined by physics and chemistry. Exploring the Benefits of Probiotics in Greek Yogurt, Who Invented the Pythagoras Theorem? To get an accurate measurement: Sit down and try to relax. These coils, respectively, were placed in direct contact with the skin to receive or 'pick-up' the EM signals emitted by the human body. Several researchers have hypothesized that the electromagnetic field emission from the human body is, at least in part, coherent and can carry information that is involved in organizing biomolecular processes (Inyushin, 1978; Popp, 1998; Rubik, 2002b ). Each antenna was insulated with PVC. The discharge of light from the finger is the result of a glowing gas plasma of charged particles from the finger to the plate that conducts electricity. However, the actual temperature and emissions pertaining to the infrared portion of the human biofield have been considered much less important thus far to clinicians and investigators. L. Turin, The Emperor of Scent describes the Vibrational Theory of a scent. A parallel is commonly seen in moisture measurements in young skin versus older skin (moisturized versus dry skin) where young skin already has "maximized" optimized moisture content and, in healthy subjects, cannot be significantly increased. However, one study on reliability on a related technique showed moderate reliability (Treugut et al, 1998). However, with few exceptions, the studies have shown small effects in magnitude and rather high variability. Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. The frequencies are measured as follows: - Measure the frequency "f1" of EM signal in the absence of the sample, - Measure the frequency "f2" of EM signal in the presence of the sample, - Calculatethe real frequency "f : f = f2 f 1 Collectively, these experiments suggest that the condition of the energy environment in which studies are conducted may contribute to the variability of responses (Jones, 2006). Distant healing, which is often combined with spiritual healing and prayer, may involve no energy transfer whatsoever if it occurs by the principle of quantum nonlocality, or it may involve a putative energy not yet identified in science. This spectral range is enormous. This material can then be directed to a condition treatable with a frequency of 75Mhz. It is important to measure your body frequency because it can reflect your overall physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual balance. A: The hierarchy of consciousness is a scale that ranks different levels of awareness. Thus, in many cases, the parameters derived from raw data via the software and their significance are unclear. Higher frequency in the body, results in better health. Body frequency is the amount of energy that your body is producing and radiating out into the environment. Finger emission sector analysis used in GDV software. The frequency of the human body is? | Physics Forums In general, the higher your heart rate during physical activity, the higher the exercise intensity. Recent Article on the Evolution of a Theory of Covid Origins, Virus mutation by artificially guided selection. Van Wijk E P A, Ackerman J, Van Wijk R: Effect of meditation on ultraweak photon emission from hands and forehead, Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 12:107, 2005. c) Method for measuring the frequency of emitted electromagnetic signal by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. Although these phenomena involve an integral and dynamic wholeness that challenge the power of molecular explanation, another biophysical view of life has been offered that may help explain them. Some researchers speculate that the extremely low-level visible light emission from organisms, called biophotons, may be coherent (as in a laser) and may communicate key electromagnetic bioinformation (Chwirot et al, 1987; Popp, 1992, 1998). * We can detox our bodies and consume less harmful 'food' (we are so addicted to). The method of use is as follows. The EMAS device is essentially a computer card housed in a metal casing that connects to a computer universal serial bus port and an alternating current (AC) power outlet (Figure 20-11). Third, certain aspects exist to the biofield that may fluctuate rapidly such that no reliability in measurement may be seen, which may be the case for certain subjects more than others. Indicator drop. Subjects were not isolated from other sounds. A portable three-axis digital gaussmeter, which can detect milligauss levels of magnetic fields (AC and DC), was used to monitor Reiki practitioners (n = 17) and healers from several different healing traditions ( n = 15) who were instructed to transmit biofield therapy. Lipkind M: Gurwitschs theorie vom biologischen feld, Fusion (Wiesbaden) 8( 4 ):30, 1987. Human body growth in the absence of a brain. He found correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical properties of the various acupuncture meridian points (Voll, 1975). Researchers who possess more than a single version of these devices have noted differences in results obtained with the various models. Accordingly, they allow measurement of EM fields emitted by a human body for different body conditions: skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, mood, tinnitus, etc. The results are the followings: Cream A appears to increase the energy of EM signal emitted by older people at 75.01 MHz. Accordingly, it appears that a partial energetic transfer between product and human body has occurred. They are also altered . There are a number of different instruments or tools that are typically used for sound frequency healing and therapy practices, including gongs, singing bowls, pan flutes, a galimba . Typically, thermography is used to locate hot spots and left-right imbalances that correspond to problem areas. This method is documented by many research studies to show toxic accumulations, tumors, and other diseases, often much earlier than x-ray mammography or other imaging procedures, for example, in the case of breast thermography (Amalu et al, 2006). Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. A third limitation is that the glass plate of the camera will not permit any ultraviolet light in the emission to be detected, given that glass blocks ultraviolet radiation. A large influx of funding for biofield science is recommended to support a concerted effort over the long term by a larger community of collaborating scientists. A charge-coupled detector (CCD), which is a standard detector of low-level visible light used in telescopes and other scientific instruments, detects the pattern of photons emitted from each fingertip. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION. T. G. Wang et al., Resonance frequency in patellar tendon, Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2007; 17; 535, describes a method based on a vibrator which was attached to the tibia of 10 healthy subjects in order to measure the resonance frequency of the patellar tendon. Accordingly, disclosed and claimed herein are methods of measuring frequencies of electromagnetic fields emitted by the human body, and treatments based on those measured frequencies. To track your sleep patterns, you will need to keep a log of when you go to bed and when you wake up, as well as any other factors that may be affecting your sleep such as diet, exercise, and stress levels. Liboff (2004) also wrote of the electromagnetic unity of the organism. Frequency of Human Body - Energic X USA Everything is energy, everything in our existence is connected to a field of electromagnetic vibrational frequencies, and as we know everything made of atoms which produce, emit and receive energy. Is there anything that can measure the overall frequency of the human body? The Vibrational Frequencies of the Human Body - ResearchGate Heart Rate Variability (HRV): What It Is and How You Can Track It One main observation is that the density parameter increased (p<.01) after qigong, which means that a more uniform circle of light was emitted from the subjects fingertips after qigong. "Intrinsic microwave radiation from the human body" Vol. Electrical currents, along with their associated magnetic fields, can be found in the body (Becker and Selden, 1985).

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